How to Experience Pure Cosmic Consciousness

While the world is awakening and experiencing chaos at some or the other part of the planet, Cosmic Consciousness is growing. If you want the answer to how to experience Cosmic Consciousness, this article is for you.

Everybody on this planet lives on different levels of consciousness. The best thing about human consciousness is that it can be advanced through some practices.

In this blog post, I will share all the details about higher cosmic consciousness. Before I jump to any other information, let’s understand what truly Cosmic Consciousness means.

Meaning of Cosmic Consciousness

I am sure you are aware of consciousness and also about the higher consciousness which is aligned with the universe. A consciousness that is not entangled in the world drama but living freely feeling the cosmic changes.

This state of consciousness is also know as spiritual awakening. A state of consciousness where you feel detached from the world and experience a deeper understanding of life and everything happening around you.

In other words, cosmic consciousness is the heightened state of the human mind. Those who experience this level can feel the oneness of everything.

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Let’s explore more details about cosmic consciousness such as its signs, characteristics, and how to experience it. First, let’s see the difference in signs of heightened or cosmic consciousness.

Signs of Cosmic Consciousness

Heightened Awareness

The first and foremost sign of cosmic consciousness is the feeling of heightened awareness. When the consciousness expands, it can be aware of each minute.

How to Experience Pure Cosmic Consciousness

When you experience the awakening, you start things that aren’t visible to physical eyes. Yu senses things that normal people can’t and you experience things that no other person could experience.

In other words, all of your senses get heightened, vision gets clearer and intuition becomes stronger than ever. In short cosmic consciousness beatify things around you.

Profound Inner Peace

The weird fact about life to that when you are connected to people and life challenges, all the trouble occurs. When the consciousness awakens, all the attachment vanishes.

Awakened consciousness can sense the energy beyond this physical world. The world where there is only love and calmness within the mind and heart.

Cosmic consciousness replaces all fear, guilt, anxiety, and other negative emotions with peace. An awakened consciousness stays in the flow of universal energy.

Unconditional Love

The true nature of consciousness is love and peace. When the consciousness gets manipulated, a person experiences negative emotions such as weakness, hatred, or pain.

How to Experience Pure Cosmic Consciousness

A spiritually awakened person can be easily seen loving everyone including those who hate or spread rumors against them. The reason behind this unconditional love is the alignment to its original self.

Cosmic consciousness is full of compassion towards all living things and believes in spreading love and peace through their actions.

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Time and Space Transcendence

A cosmic consciousness is the sense of being beyond time and space. No boundaries, time, or space can bind a person who experiences such a heightened consciousness.

The practice takes the person to a state where everything seems connected and separated. The circle of life seems like a drama, and the person senses no attachment to anything.

The person lives in the present moment and becomes natural to leave every passing moment as it happens. It’s one of the signs someone accessing Cosmic Consciousness.

Now Let’s see some of the Characteristics of Cosmic Consciousness In brief.

Characteristics of Cosmic Consciousness

Universal Perspective

Those with consciousness see the bigger picture of life rather than limited to their own family. They don’t get entangled with society’s rule and limited tradition but they live a life considering this planet their home.

They become able to see the connection of the world with each other. They do believe in the web of energy and conscious connection.

Expanded Awareness

A heightened consciousness gains an immense amount of awareness and find themselves conscious even during their sleep. Their developed understanding of this material and energy world takes their consciousness to another dimension.

A dimension that can be only sensed but can’t be seen by these physical eyes. In other words person who experiences cosmic consciousness is a bridge between material and spiritual realms.

Living in Harmony

While you may feel no excitement living such consciousness, the truth is entirely different. Those who access cosmic consciousness find this life, or world as a drama stage and become an audience to the things happening around them.

How to Experience Pure Cosmic Consciousness

They can sense the attunement between everything happening in this world and the plan of the universe. In other words, they live in Harmony with a sense of deep peace.


The main requirement of this conscious state is being real in all circumstances, no matter what happens. Truth has the power to give you freedom and achieve heightened consciousness.

A true person can be seen as fearless in all situations. Authenticity makes them more pure, and attractive and allows them to experience everything without being judgemental.
The cosmic consciousness doesn’t need social acceptance or people to agree with their perspective.

Let’s explore various ways to experience cosmic consciousness for real. Although no one can promise when you will have it, if you practice any of these methods for a longer period, you will definitely access cosmic consciousness.

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How to Experience Cosmic Consciousness

Achieving heightened consciousness is a long journey that requires dedication, an open mind, and regular spiritual practice. Here are some exercises to help you move toward achieving such consciousness level.


Meditation is one of the hardest practices yet the most powerful way to access cosmic consciousness. When I say, the hardest practice, it simply means being on regular and going deeper within yourself.

How to Experience Pure Cosmic Consciousness

During the practice and time period, the person experiences a lot of ups and downs which makes them more valuable. However, with the proper guidelines when a person keeps moving forward, the consciousness starts opening for them.

Unlike meditation, some healing practices such as Reiki also help reach to higher consciousness. These practices clear the previous Karm, and clear the future path to experience Cosmic Consciousness easily.


Knowledge is called the spiritual light in the scriptures. Awakening often occurs by questioning about self. Where do we come from, and where do we have to go at the end of life?

When you start questioning everything physical around you, your own thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and existence. Looking for the answer to these all, you will reach a level where everything will fall apart.

In other words, knowledge organically develops detachment which leads to experiencing Cosmic Consciousness or being one with the universe.

Connect with Nature

We all are part of this nature, In fact, we are made up of the things nature uses air, earth, water sky, and fire. The 5 elements of nature have an enormous amount of impact on the human mind and body as well.

As a human being, entangles in worldly things, need to clear the mind and make it empty in order to connect to the cosmos. The best, easiest way to do it, spending time in nature where the dust is easily washed out from the mind.

Walking in the forest, spending time near the ocean, or simply gazing at stars in the open sky allows you to go deeper. This practice naturally connects you to the universe and gives you a Cosmic Consciousness experience easily.

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Now, Let’s see some of the major benefits of experiencing higher consciousness.

Benefits of Cosmic Consciousness

  • 1- Heightened consciousness simply means being at peace with everything happening around you or the world. It develops acceptance which allows you to let go of anything happening to you or within you. Such a state makes you free from anxiety stress or any drama.
  • 2- When the mind is free from world drama and is not entangled with anyone or anything, it becomes lighter. The lighter state of mind allows you to go deeper and experience a deeper connection with yourself and the universe.
  • 3- detachment is a beautiful state of mind to experience the connection with other people. It allows you to love more, care more, and understand others easily. In other words, you create peace and harmony in every relationship.
  • 4- As they say everything is pre-planned, you gain the ability to see the future easily. Freedom helps to increase the intuition naturally guided by wisdom.
  • 5- The best thing about cosmic consciousness is that you come ot know you life purpose. A heightened consciousness reaches the clarity where it can see the purpose of its own existence on this planet.

Final Words: Cosmic consciousness is not just a state of mind to experience but a journey that allows you to shape your own life. A life where you choose what’s worth holding and what’s worth leaving behind.

It’s a way to see the bigger picture of life and love unconditionally. I won’t promise this path to be easy but the ratio of peace and pain will have a huge difference. You will experience life through the lens of the universe itself.

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Namaste. I am a Reiki Grand Master and spiritual counselor who passionately guides individuals toward a stress-free life. With a profound commitment to holistic well-being, I integrate my expertise in Reiki and prayers with spiritual guidance to help clients achieve balance and tranquility. Outside of my professional life, I am an avid traveler, exploring new places and cultures, which further enriches my perspective and enhances my ability to connect with people from diverse backgrounds.