How to Deal with Extreme Emotional Pain – BigBrainCoach

Last updated on August 14th, 2024 at 02:27 am

How to Deal with Extreme Emotional Pain Steps to Let Go Extreme Emotional Pain

Emotional pain is one of the kinds that, I believe, only those know who is going through. It doesn’t look but it takes away everything if not healed on time. I have been there so, I will try to justify this article.

Emotional pain is overwhelming, isolating, and seems like never-ending. However, if you have some pain, know that it can be healed. Hope is one thing that keeps me alive and think of a better future.

In this blog post, I will share some of the effective tips and ways to deal with Emotional pain. In order to let it go completely, you must be conscious and practice it regularly.
Let’s begin the steps to heal Emotional Pian and Let go of everything that is weighing you down.

How to Deal with Extreme Emotional Pain

1- Acknowledge and Validate Your Pain

The first step to getting rid of emotional pain is to accept that it exists and affects you. I have seen people denying their emotional state which, I believe, is like feeding them secretly.

I am not saying to go and advertise, but sit with yourself, write down everything, and accept that it holds your life within. Also, assume that now is the time to let it all go for good.

Open your heart, and mind and allow yourself to feel everything that hurts you without any judge mental thoughts. Remind yourself that, it’s okay to feel not ok sometimes.

Know that suppression of emotional memories only causes damage therefore, accepting is a way to prepare for freedom. When you are looking for the answer to How to Deal with Extreme Emotional Pain, know that not feeding it hereafter is a wiser decision.

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2- Seek Support

If you are heavily attached to some pain, make sure to not be alone and suffer. I am sure there is someone whom you can trust and expect to help you heal.

Reach out to someone, Open your heart, free yourself from the pain, and make yourself light. Often, it’s challenging to make the right decision therefore, clearing your mind is crucial for better judgment.

Talking to someone is an effective therapy to feel relief and get a clear mind to think.
Clearing the mind clutter by seeking support is How to Deal with Extreme Emotional Pain effectively. In addition, talking to someone strengthens your social connection and understanding.

3- Practice Self-Compassion

Believe it or not, all the pain and depression are because of self-love and self-compassion. Never forget, that life begins with you and ends with you, in between, it’s crucial to keep coming back to yourself.

Often, while loving others, we forget our own needs, and emotional needs and expect another person to treat us the same as we do to them. This is the beginning of all the emotional turbulence long-lasting pain and disconnection from self.

In my opinion and experience, “Self Love and Being Kind to self” is the most powerful way to deal with life effectively. It’s the only way to not lose your power or not anything affect you so deeply.

While you are looking for the answer to “How to Deal with Extreme Emotional Pain”, start by treating yourself as you have been treating your loved ones. Forgive yourself, be kind to yourself, and pour all the love, care, and compassion you offer others in need.

4- Engage in Mindfulness and Meditation

The best way to release all the pain, unhealthy memories, and detachment is learning to be in the Present moment. Know that GOD has blessed us all with a very powerful mind that is capable of overcoming everything that seems impossible.

When you train your mind to be in the Now, it releases everything that takes your attention to the past. It won’t happen in one day, but with practice, your mind starts fully living in the moment.

Being in the very present moment means being free from past, emotions, stress, anxiety, or any memories. Mindfulness calms your mind, gives you a better perspective of life, and most importantly, makes you feel lighter and happier.

Yoga, meditation, breath work, Reiki, and all the other spiritual practices are the result of oriented answers to How to Deal with Emotional Pain. In simple words, all the spiritual practices help to reconnect your mind body, and spirit by releasing anything that separates them.

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5- Explore Creative Outlets

As I mentioned above we all are blessed with a powerful tool to shape our life. However, the mind needs creativity as it tends to get bored with the same routine for a long time.

Know that your emotions are also your energy which you are expressing in the form of pain. Engage yourself in something that you find engaging and gives you pleasure.

By engaging yourself in something more creative you transform your energy that’s healthy for you. Artistic work such as music, drawing, and paintings help release the stress energy. Creativity is another effective answer to How to Deal with Extreme Emotional Pain and heal faster.

6- Establish a Routine

Routine is an essential thing that shapes not only your day but your destiny as well. A well-planned and regular routine helps in maintaining our mental work and emotional health effectively.

In order to let go of emotional pain, include activity that releases the pain energy such as yoga, dance, going to the gym, or simply walking for half an hour.

A well-structured day is How to Deal with Extreme Emotional Pain and Grow simultaneously. The routine also helps in aligning your mental, physical, and emotional health and gives you control over your life.

In other words, live each day by focusing on your overall well-being and having control over your emotions.

7- Reflect on Your Values and Purpose

One of the worst parts of being in emotional pain is it sucks all the energy and strength to think and see things in the right way. While you are gaining your strength by reading this article, trust me, you will overcome your situation very soon.

Make it a routine to sit alone, and think about your life purpose, dreams, your values, and ethics. The hardest part of overcoming emotional pain is to force yourself to shift your attention from pain to pleasure.

The law of nature is where our attention goes, and energy flows, therefore it’s crucial to shift your energy from pain to pleasure. The best way to do it is to reflect on your happy living person as you were before the pain. Developing your new mindset, and giving meaning to your life is an answer to How to Deal with Extreme Emotional Pain.

8- Practice Gratitude

Trust me, if you are reading this, you are blessed with so many things that millions of people are dreaming of. All you need to realize is that there are people who are struggling for life, food, and shelter.

I agree that while going through emotional pain is challenging, it will be harder to be genuinely grateful. However, the popular saying, “Fake it until you make it” is an effective strategy to open your heart again.

Pain also means your heart is closed, your happiness energy is blocked. The best way to open your heart again is to count your blessings and express your gratitude to the universe.

Sit alone and write down about the people, things, and achievements you are grateful for, including every tiny thing. This will lead you to How to Deal with Extreme Emotional Pain.
In addition, this tiny habit will reshape your brain and thinking pattern to look at the bright side of your life.

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9- Seek Professional Help

I know that emotional pain sucks all the creative energy and weakens a person. It also makes you so valuable that nothing makes you feel better. Therefore, if you feel unable to overcome the pain for a long time, make sure to seek professional help.

Therapists or professionals are trained to deal with and guide others to navigate emotions more effectively. A few sessions can be helpful enough for you to regain your strength.

Professional also offers medication, or effective strategy, as needed, to overcome your pain and regain your life. I believe life is precious so spending on your well-being must be the first priority of your life.

Seeking professional support, I believe is better than being alone and suffering. It’s a wiser answer to How to Deal with Extreme Emotional Pain and reconnect to your own core.

If your emotional pain feels unbearable or persistent, seek professional help. Therapists, counselors, and psychiatrists are trained to provide support and treatment for emotional distress. Therapy can offer tools and strategies to help you cope and heal.

10- Incorporate Spiritual Practices

We are human beings made with spiritual energy therefore incorporating spiritual practices is essential. Spiritual practices like prayer, meditation, and breath practices provide you with strength and clear your mental energy.

Reading spiritual texts also clears the mental blockage and healing releasing the emotional pain. For instance, the Teaching of the worldwide popular Godly Organisation, Brahma Kumaris provides inner peace, greater wisdom, and self-awareness.

Following spiritual teachings is the answer to How to Deal with Emotional Pain and take care of your soul naturally.


1- Why does emotional pain hurt so much?

If you see scientifically then any feelings especially pain stimulate all of your brain functioning organs. The more you feel it, carry with it, and think about it, it grows.

Spiritually, emotions themselves mean a connection with memory, person, things, or anything. Not to mention, attachments that are out of your control will hurt. That’s why it’s crucial to manage your emotions on a regular basis.

2- Why am I so sensitive and cry easily?

Let me be very honest, I was exactly like you before I started my spiritual journey. Moving along with my meditation practices, I realize, that sensitivity is weakness and every event or person that’s beyond your capacity will hurt.

Being sensitive means you have suffered or experienced so much in the past that you don’t have the strength to face any challenges. Practice meditation and self-care to make yourself stronger. Not to mention, give priority to your overall well-being.

Final Words: Dealing with emotional pain is not easy but understand that life is a gift from God and one must live it fully. In other words, let go of anything that is causing your pain live life, be happy, and do the things that stimulate happiness in you.

Be more careful about your mental and emotional well-being, and protect yourself from any hurt by practicing more self-care. Engage in the things that seem like feeding your mind and soul positively.

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Stay Healthy, Stay Blessed

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