How to Turn Back to God after Falling away

If you are someone who felt lost and is looking for the answer to How to Turn Back to God, this article is specially designed for you. In today’s busy and distracting world, it’s easy to disconnect from God, so there is No need to worry.

However, the moment you sense your distance from God, it’s crucial to stay back on track and enhance your connection. If you don’t act immediately, it can cause you more damage, and the situation can get worse.

Turning back to God is possible but not easy, as God Himself says that if you disobey God, it will be far more challenging for you to get back to God again.

The Good news is that you can do it easily as you already know the path. In this article of BigBrainCoach, I will share some effective tips to reconnect you to God.

How to Turn Back to God Tips to Reconnect to God

1- Acknowledge the Desire to Reconnect

From my practices and spiritual journey, all I learned is that realizing my mistake is also the return of my past good deeds. There are people around You who don’t even realize they are walking on the wrong path.

How to Turn Back to God

Being around such people and realizing that you have lost your path is really touching from God Himself. He wants you to reconnect to Him as He has a plan for you. Therefore, the first and foremost step you need to do is to sit consciously with God, ask for forgiveness, and express your desire to reconnect to Him.

Expressing your greatest desire to be with God is How to Turn Back to God in less than expected time. Acknowledge your mistakes, choices, and regrets, and ask God for forgiveness.

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2- Reflect on Your Spiritual Journey

Once you are finished with the first step, know in your heart that you are ready to move on and ask God for guidance. Reflect on your past, and find out the moment, thoughts, actions, behavior, or event that took you away from God.

Reflecting on your journey will help you to find out your weaknesses and protect you from repeating the same mistakes. It will also help you heal and move forward with a better consciousness.

Reflecting on your past with honesty is How to Turn Back to God and break unhealthy patterns or behavior. You can do it by journaling, praying, or simply sitting quietly.

3- Seek Forgiveness and Healing

Feeling distant from God simply means that some wrong Karma caused this separation. Now, when you realize you need to connect to God again, forgiveness and healing are crucial.

How to Turn Back to God

In order to move forward fast, you must practice it daily. Ask and forgive others to clear your energy. Keep in mind that God always forgives you immediately when you confront; it’s your consciousness that takes time to clean and move forward.

Cleaning yourself and forgiving is How to Turn Back to God and develop an unbreakable bond with God. In order to do it, forgive, love, accept yourself and allow yourself to let go of whatever makes you feel heavy and distant.

4- Reestablish Daily Spiritual Practices

Even when God is an ocean of Kindness and love, reconnecting to Him requires a lot of constant effort. Include some spiritual practices that keep your mind connected to God most of the time.

Practices such as reading specific numbers of scriptures and offering prayers at specific times will help. One of the most effective practices I experienced in my journey is maintaining a diary where you write everything you want to share with God before Bed.

Keep in mind that whatever practice you start, know that consistency is the essential ingredient for the desired result. Engagement in spiritual practices on a regular basis is How to Turn Back to God organically and create a better future with Him.

5. Surround Yourself with a Supportive Community

Let me remind you that your association plays a crucial role in shaping your lifestyle, mindset and future. Therefore, make sure to hang out with people who share the same spiritual goals and connect with God.

Like-minded people or community will inspire, guide and protect you from getting lost again. Therefore, connect to the community, attend prayer services, and serve if you can.

Connecting to some spiritual community at least once a week is How to Turn Back to God after falling away and enhance your spiritual practices. The community also makes you feel safe and gives you a sense of belonging to a Godly family.

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6. Practice Gratitude and Mindfulness

When craving to return to God, it’s crucial to have a cleansed and pure consciousness. The best way to purify yourself is to count your blessings and stay conscious as much as possible.

How to Turn Back to God

These two habits not only take you closer to God but create a bright and powerful aura around you. As They say, where your attention goes, your energy flows there. In other words, your attention and energy multiply effortlessly.

Focusing on your desired results is how to turn back to God after sinning or falling away. A great heart doing conscious actions and thoughts cleanses you and pulls you towards Godliness.

7- Surrender Control and Trust in God’s Plan

One of the common challenges in returning to God is letting go of the past and the mistakes it made. In order to connect to God, it’s crucial to feel free by releasing the past.

If you are experiencing the same challenges, know that Faith in God has the power to release any past memories or mistakes easily. Therefore, have faith in God’s plan for your future and surrender completely.

Surrendering and having faith in God’s plan is How to Turn Back to God after failing. Surrendering means accepting everything that’s happening is best for you. This simple practice enhances your spirituality, develops wisdom and strengthens your connection to God.

8- Serve Others with Love and Compassion

One of the best ways to develop good habits it practice it as much as possible. In order to get back to God, you must practice compassion and serve others whenever you get a chance.

How to Turn Back to God

When you fulfil others’ dreams, it expands your vision and fosters a spirit of humanity. Serving others is a Way to turn back to God after falling away. Helping your neighbours, Donating to charity, and listening to others in need are great ways to get closer to God.

Service opens your heart and makes you experience the divine energy flowing through you.

9- Continue to Seek and Learn

Life is another type of change; therefore, evolving your mind and emotions is crucial. When you are trying to turn back to God after sin, it’s crucial to be open to learning and evolving.

Walking towards God is a constant journey; it’s not a one-time effort. therefore, make your mind a constant learner. Read scriptures regularly, listen to sermons, attend live workshops and adopt them as much as possible.

Being curious and open to experiencing new things is How to Turn Back to God after falling. Spiritual practices mean being open to mystics all the time. Therefore, keep seeking new experiences and ask questions; it will deepen your relationships with God.

10 – Embrace Patience and Perseverance

As I mentioned a few times, returning to God requires patience and perseverance. Let me be very honest: The spiritual journey is full of doubts, pain, struggle and setbacks.

How to Turn Back to God

The spiritual journey is never smooth, as when you are conscious, you learn to clear your path by having God on your side. The journey itself teaches you to be patient and develop faith in God.

Being patient and embracing your life while praying, serving and walking on a Godly path is How to Turn Back to God after sin.

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1- Why do I feel God is silent?

As mentioned in John 7:17, “If anyone wants to do His will, he shall know concerning the doctrine.” People who walk on the Godly path with complete faith always hear the voice of God.

If you are experiencing the silence of God, know that you need to check your consciousness. There are noises within you, or you aren’t ready to follow the answer he is giving you.

God is always guiding His children; you only listen to Him when you are on the right path and willing to follow Him.

2- Does God feel my sadness?

Well, Sadness isn’t created by God, so God doesn’t experience sadness, but He does see His children suffering. As The Bible says (Gen. 6:6). He doesn’t feel sadness the same way we do, but God does love us.”

In other words, when we’re hurt or sad, God notices and cares for us. If one connects to Him during their hurting times, God heals it with His love and care.

Final Words: I know the feeling of wanting to turn back to God and reconnect to Him as earlier. It’s not easy, but not impossible as well therefore don’t get discouraged, keep walking.

God only sees our intentions and efforts and supports His beloved children to succeed. Keep walking on the Godly path. Have faith and know in your heart that you are going closer to God this time.

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