Have you ever felt that an invisible power is protecting you or guiding you? Have you ever received warning signs for the universe? Yes, the Universe does guide us, warn us, and protect us from time to time.
As they say, a miracle happens to those who believe in mystery, universe guides those who look for it. Life is mysterious, especially for those who are aware that they don’t control either their time or destiny.
No matter how hard we work, and how positive we are sometimes things go against our will. In this blog post, I will share some of the crucial Warning Signs from the Universe that you must never ignore.
7 Warning Signs from the Universe
1- Unexplained Fatigue
Our body is made of 5 elements and these elements are part of the universe which is constant in your contact. If you will notice, your body responds to all your emotions in various ways such as low energy or nervousness.

Even if having the required amount of rest, or stay calm if you experience constant fatigue, it’s a Warning Sign from the Universe. You might not tune in with your true life purpose.
You need to sit with yourself and analyze your lifestyle, the things you are doing, and how you feel doing it. If your energy doesn’t heighten up doing what are you doing, you need to rethink and pray to God for the right path.
Also Read more about 7 Intense Physical Symptoms of Spiritual Awakening.
2- Recurring Negative Patterns
The mystical part of life is that occurs in a pattern, especially when you are not aligned. Check your weekly, monthly, and occasional pattern, if it’s not the way you want, think about it.
When the same situations keep coming to you that hurt you, not energize you, it’s one of the Warning Signs from the Universe. When the same situations, same people, and same life circumstances keep coming to you, you need to rethink your life.
These patterns are the outcome of some unresolved past or emotions that need to be taken care of now. Try to find out and resolve the hidden emotions so that you can move forward easily.
3- Strange Synchronicities
Synchronicities are often considered good luck charms but this time, it can be for your own concerns. Co-incidents include getting the same unsettling advice from every person you talk to.

When the Universe tries to warn you, things might seem disturbing everywhere you go. Often such situations make us nervous or worried but all you need to understand is that it’s one of the Warning Signs from the Universe.
These repeated events are a message from the universe to pay attention to some things that you have avoided. With a little attention, you might get on the right track the universe wants you to be on.
4- Emotional Instability
Emotional state is directly connected to the outer situation of your life. However, if you experience emotional imbalance without any outer situation, it’s one of the Warning Signs from the Universe for your own good.
Stressed or anxiousness blurs your vision which doesn’t allow you to see what’s coming next. The Universe puts you in such a situation to give you time to recheck your goals and the path you have chosen for yourself.
Your disturbed emotions are also a sign of some suppressed emotions you need to let go of or heal. Therefore check, heal, and start living being an authentic person with clear intentions.
Also Read more about these 7 Signs God is Trying to Tell You Something.
5- Gut Feelings and Intuition
God has blessed us human beings with a superpower called intuition. The Human Gut is also connected to the intuition and responds time to time for our own good.

If you are in any such situation where your intuition or gut is saying it’s not good for you, make sure to trust it. If you are working on something currently or want tot to make some decisions, follow your instincts.
The most mysterious way the universe communicates with you is through your inner voices. The deepest core or your subconscious directly responds as your gut feel.
6- Sudden Loss or Change
There are many good or bad things happen all the time but huge losses or uncomfortable changes are not normal. If anything like that happens, it’s one of the Warning Signs from the Universe to be ready for a new shift.
Losing a job, breaking up with any serious relations, or huge loss in business are some examples of a shift in your life. The universe prepares you for a new life by aligning things, even if looks painful for you.
Experiencing huge loss, and deep pain strengthens you, believe me or not. The universe prepares you by making you stronger and stronger for a better and brighter future.
7- Constant Obstacles
I believe getting signs from the universe is also the outcome of some of your past good karma. If you are one of those, I believe you are lucky, have faith that your time will definitely change.

If, despite your hard work, good intentions and all the planning nothing good is happening in your life, it’s a Warning Sign from the Universe you must not ignore.
Constant difficulties mean you have not learned the lesson you need to learn for a better future. It might also mean that you are meant to walk on a different path which you need to recognize. Or give a different approach to your current circumstances.
Also Read more about these 12 Mystical Signs and Omens Ear Ringing.
1- Can the universe talk to me?
Well, All The time. The universe always talks to you. However, in order to listen to the universe or get the signs it’s sending you, you need to be aware. The universe talks to us in many ways such as by presenting some signs, sending information through books, new paper, hoarding boards, and so on.
The universe talks to us in many ways including some physical and emotional changes as well. All you need to be aware and focus on what you are looking for in life and connect the dots.
Final Words: We humans, having an analytical mind always try to rule everything happening in life. However, the universe is the greatest invisible power that is ruling over us all.
Those who are blessed with the insight to see the pattern can see what message the universe sends from time to time. By paying keen attention to the things happening around you, you can understand what the universe has for you.
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Stay Healthy, Stay Blessed