A Woman’s Strength is Hidden in These 7 Mystical Emotions

Last updated on March 16th, 2022 at 08:51 pm

If you open the internet and google about a woman, You will see millions of quotes about A Woman’s Strength. Have you ever wondered how a woman can be so brilliant, passionate, lovable, and positive while going through a ton Emotionally?

This article will reveal all the secrets where they hold their most substantial strength and weakest emotions.

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She can be a caring mother, loving Daughter, sensual wife, granddaughter, but she has a strong individual identity that many people can’t resist.

You see, an average woman plays all the above roles and becomes the pillar of her family tree. I am not saying man doesn’t play any role in building a beautiful and ideal family. However, If you look deeper, the base of this tree depends on the woman only.

In this article of Bigbraincoach, I will share 9 Mystical places where A Woman’s Strength lies.

1- A Woman’s Strength is in Being a Daughter

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Raising a strong and wise girl is every parent’s dream; being a daughter makes a girl extra blessed. A woman does not become instantly resilient, but the seed has been sawed in her childhood only.

The list of female strengths such as tolerance, Understanding, and other emotions starts growing in her early childhood only. While Growing as a teenager, she realizes that she has to go far from her parents after Marriage. Going away from her loved ones doesn’t make her feel better, but she understands her parent’s happiness and society’s demand.

All of a sudden, she becomes wise enough to balance her emotions and complete her responsibilities.

Childhood dreams become more robust and vital after Marriage as she wants to do something for her parents. Yes, A Woman’s Strength lies in the feeling of being away from those who gave her life.

2- Being A Sister

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Sisters’ Love has been unconditional since ancient days. People in India celebrate this bond as the festival widely popular as ” Rakhi.” It’s one of the purest relations on this entire planet that everyone desires to have one.

Be it elder or younger, a sister cares like a mother and loves more than a girlfriend. She demands, fights, and scolds, sometimes slaps too, but can’t hate or stay away for a longer time.

This unconditional Love she understands while growing and balancing her own emotions. The emotional fight she wins inside her head, only a woman can understand. As she becomes a grown-up woman, she knows to hide her struggle and support her siblings.

A Woman’s Strength isn’t just about herself or her fights, buts it’s about her entire family. This conditioning makes her the strongest among the whole human race. So, Yes, a woman’s strength lies in the Love, care, and protection towards her siblings.

Also Read: How to Boss Up As A Woman And Become The Writer of Your Life

3- Being A Friend

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Once Swami Dayanand Saraswati, widely known as “Vivekananda,” said,” Give me ten women, I will change India’s future.” Swamiji had seen the hidden power of a woman while the world was busy dominating her.

Are you wondering what made Him deliver such a powerful statement? Well, I believe, Being a Yogi, he already knew a woman’s strength and wanted to use it to create a better world.

A girl, when she accepts someone’s friendship, is from the bottom of her core. She helps, Loves, Cares, and wishes for her friend’s happiness every day. Yes, She is gifted with such a powerful mind that can handle blood relationships but a chosen one.

It is one reason females get easily hurt; however, most chose to stay away instead of fighting. I believe A Woman’s Strength lies in that emotion where she feels the connection and belonging.

Having a woman friend is a complete package of real family love.

4- Being A Granddaughter

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Believe me or not, A girl always carries the essence her grandparents poured upon her. Yes, Parents play a vital role in her upbringing. However, spending only 24 hours with grandparents is equal to a month with parents.

Being a granddaughter presents her two generations wisdom that becomes her wings to fly higher than others. The balancing arts, I believe, she learns from them and applies with her siblings and friends in early childhood. All those experiences make her a robust, influential personality many men cant stand with.

At any stage of life, A Woman’s Strength is hidden into the Love and care she has been offered from others. She may not put it into words, but she likes to show it in her actions. Actions have been more evident signs to wise people.

Also Read: Spiritual Strength: 9 Ways to Enhance Your Mental Health

5- Being A Lover or Wife

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A relationship every would die for if the partner is worthy. The most difficult, at the same time challenging relationship is being a perfect lover. When a woman loves someone, she gives her soul to her partner.

She forgets her own identity and tries to become one as it’s the belief world has put in our head. Don’t you think loving someone to such an extent that you forget about your choices? I am talking about the kind of loving relation here that is popular in India as welcoming Goddess Laxmi in man’s life.

She trusts her partner as blindly that she can fight to everyone for him, can Do everything to protect him from evil eyes. The power she has been gifted she pours to keep her partner happy and give everything to keep him satisfied and peaceful.
Yes, A Woman’s Strength lies in the eyes of the beholder and the Love she offers to her life partner.

6- Being A Mother

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She has the unique ability to deliver a new life and provide everything to keep her child safe and healthy. A few years back a news has been viral about a woman who pulled a truck to save her baby.

A woman who was not a wrestler or fitness freak was able to pull a heavy truck, unbelievable, Right? But the story is real, and to check, the authenticity you may search on google.

The power of Love only a mother can understand; the highest strength in this universe is the mother’s Love. A Woman’s Strength is hidden in the Love she carries for her child. It’s above every relationship, and she can fight for her child and pass all the challenges.

7- A woman’s strength lies in Her Emotions


Here comes the deepest spot where a woman’s power; it’s into her Emotions. Every emotion she expresses is mixed with her life force energy. When someone hurts or life challenges her, she becomes Durga, Kali, or Saraswati accordingly.

Her real strength is her emotions themselves, which she shares and knows how to protect herself. A woman can be a complete bundle of abundance for those who love and understands her truly.

If you have got such an incredible woman, trust her, Love and care for her, she will take you to the moon in no time. A woman is sacred if treated in the right way.


1- What are the signs of a strong woman?

A strong woman likes to be independent and taking a risk. She may look like emotional fools, but her emotions are her most muscular strength. She is capable of balancing work, home, and people at the same time. She may feel lonely inside, but doesn’t allow anyone or any situation to tear her up.

2- How strong is an average woman?

Every woman is equally strong; the only difference is that some cannot break the culture curl. However, If I had to write in one sentence about the strength of a woman, I will say,” She is strong enough to create a life.”

Even if she is broken inside, she can smile in front of the world and perform her best.

3- What is the biggest strength of a woman?

Her Emotions are the most potent at the same time weakest strength of a woman. You can break her emotionally, mentally, and psychologically but she is gifted to put herself together and beat you instantly.

Her Emotions are always connected to the most incredible power known as “Love.” She loves unconditionally, which changes the opinion of others and the unfavorable situation.

4- What is a resilient woman?

A resilient woman owns her opinion and the decision she takes in life. She believes in her strength and energy the universe has gifted her. She respects others views but does what she feels is right for her or her family.

5- How a woman’s strength compared to a man?

If you meant physically, then, of course, a man has more strength than a woman as he has got skeleton muscle, upper body strength, and lower body strength.
However, when it comes to mental and emotional endurance, women are stronger than men.

6- Who sang a woman’s got the strength woman’s got the power?

American Singer and actress Jennifer Yvette Holliday has sung the song,” a woman’s got the strength, a woman’s got the power.”

7- What is a woman’s hand strength in newtons?

In general, both men and women have the same hand strength, but if you ask specifically about women, then the answer is “Grip force.”

Final Words: If you are a woman, know the strength you possess, but if you are a man, respect and use A Woman’s Strength for your goodness. They are soft as cream and hard as a rock; the choice is yours.

Sharing Is Caring:

Namaste. I am a Reiki Grand Master and spiritual counselor who passionately guides individuals toward a stress-free life. With a profound commitment to holistic well-being, I integrate my expertise in Reiki and prayers with spiritual guidance to help clients achieve balance and tranquility. Outside of my professional life, I am an avid traveler, exploring new places and cultures, which further enriches my perspective and enhances my ability to connect with people from diverse backgrounds.

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