4 Mystery Books Like The Lovely Bones – BigBrainCoach

Last updated on September 6th, 2024 at 08:24 am

If you like diving into the enigmatic world of reading mystery books like the lovely bones, this article is for you. Books are the best medium to expand your imagination and experience it in your heart.

Here is a short idea if you are looking for mystery books and don’t know about The Lovely Bones. The book is about a 14 years old Susie Salmon, who was murdered on December 6, 1973.

While living in heaven, she can see her parents grieving for her and her friends, wondering about her sudden disappearance. Most importantly, she can see her assassin coving His crime easily.

The book is a straightforward guide to understanding the value of being alive. The book is fascinating, funny sometimes, and visionary. The author of the lovely bones had done justice with her words.

Here are the top 4 other Mystery Books Like The Lovely Bones you must read this year.

Mysterious Books Like The Lovely Bones

1- Gone Girl

The GoodRead choice award-winning 2012 “Gone Girl” is written by New York Times bestseller Gillian Flynn. The author has done justice to her reputation and presented a fun filled, mysterious thriller book.

The story is about the perfectly happy couple, Nick and Amy Dunn. As they say, “Marriage can be a real killer” the story begins on their fifth anniversary.

The day when Amy disappeared, cops started questioning everyone, especially her husband, Nick. Every chapter is filled with twists and turns that make this book exciting and readers thrilled.

Gone Girl is one of the other books like the lovely bones you must read this year to refresh yourself. However, you may be messed up with your thought of getting married if you are still single! Jokes apart!

Undoubtedly, one of the first Recommended books to read if you like the lovely bones!

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2- The Girl on the Train

“The Girl on the Train” is a well-presented thrilling book by the author Paula Hawkins. It’s one of the mysterious books like gone Girl; you may love it if you liked that one.

The story runs around three women, Rachel, Anna, and Megan. Rachel is the one who travels every day on the same train and experiences the same people, including a house in front of a specific stop. At first, she believed that the family was perfect, and she wished she could have the same life.

However, things changed when she saw something that changed her whole perspective. The story is fascinating, gripping, and, yes, full of secrets.

This psychological thriller novel is a must-read for Mystery Books Like The Lovely Bones fans.

3- My Sister’s Keeper

“My Sister’s Keeper” is an emotionally riveting story of a family ripped apart by disagreeing deficiencies. New York Times best-selling author Jodi Picoult shared a passionate love that conquers human imperfection in this mysterious book.

The story rolls around Anna Fitzgerald, who is born to keep her sister healthy and fit. In other words, Her sister Kate has been diagnosed with leukemia since childhood.

Anna is healthy, yet she has to go through shots, surgeries, and transfusions for her sister’s sake until she turns 13. It’s the time when she is asked to do something that makes Her think about her life and decide for herself.

The book is compelling and present the society’s truth where some of us feel pushed to follow elder’s decisions. What happens next is a compelling turn that keeps readers connected.

I must say, It’s one of the Mystery Books Like The Lovely Bones you must read once to know the end.

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4- The Kite Runner

Author Khaled Hosseini in his book “The Kite Runner,” shares a story about their love, their sacrifices, and lies. The story is about Amir from the Wazir Akbar Khan district of Kabul and his closest friend Hassan.

Hasan is also the son of a servant who served Amir’s father. Therefore His father disapproves of this friendship. However, one event turned this drama into an unforgettable, heartbreaking story.

Let me be honest here; the story is painful, emotional, and heartfelt. However, the story covers many realities, such as violence, injustice, and abuse.

It’s one of the books to read if you like the lovely bones and the end, justice part. It’s one of the Mystery Books Like The Lovely Bones that can touch your heart.

Can a 14 year old read The Lovely Bones?

The book “Lovely Bones” is good, but I feel it’s better suitable for ages 15 or 16 and older. Some parts of the book might be hard for ages below 15.

Therefore If you read it after crossing 15, it will be easier to understand the content written into it.

Final Words: These novels are engaging heart touching, and have some message that we can learn from each one. If you liked the list of Mystery Books Like The Lovely Bones, Let me know your best choice in the comment box.

As I mentioned above, reading novels has a massive impact on our subconscious, so choose wisely your next book. There are many hidden benefits of reading books so keep reading and keep growing.

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