10 Books on Power of Positive Thinking

Last updated on September 1st, 2024 at 06:53 am

Looking for Top 10 Books on Power of Positive Thinking? Welcome to the article especially written for you.

Human mind is the greatest technology a man can own in His lifetime. It’s the one who shapes the man’s reality, believe it or not! The one who accepted this reality, is building an empire while others are struggling to earn daily bread.

If you are wondering if the power of positive thinking actually works, the answer is a big YES! However, if you have been a critic in the past, you require more time to train your mind.

Everything a man experiences in their life is the outcome of their own mind’s creation. A mind that is trained to look for possibilities, opportunities, gets it. It happens on the other side as well.

If you are looking for some Books on Power of Positive Thinking, you are on the right page. These books will help you train your mind. These books will help you think positively. In this article of BigBrainCoach, I will share some of the most popular and effective books you must read.

Top 10 Books on Power of Positive Thinking

1- “The Power of Positive Thinking” by Norman Vincent Peale

The name says a lot about the content. It’s been one of my favorites when it comes to positive thinking. In this book the author has shared many effective insights to train your mind in the direction you want, positive.

If you are looking to cultivate a positive mindset, this book is a must for you. It offers the most accessible way to do so. It shares a lot of wisdom to inspire, empower, and enhance your willingness to develop a positive mind.

It’s one of the Books on Power of Positive Thinking. It has changed millions of lives. It helps them adopt a new mindset, the optimistic one.

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2- “Man’s Search for Meaning” by Viktor E. Frank

As the title says, we all are here on this planet with a purpose. Some of us know our purpose. Some of us are searching for it. Some of us are still unaware of it. The book is a detail insight guide for those who are searching.

The author has shared his story. It can connect to your core emotionally. It can make you feel grateful for your life as well. All I learned from His story is that struggles come to us to teach us crucial lessons.

Those who have a positive attitude learn quickly and overcome the challenges, those who have a negative attitude suffer. For those who want to develop a positive mindset, this is a must-read. It is one of the best Books on the Power of Positive Thinking.

3- “The Magic of Thinking Big” by David J. Schwartz

This is one of my all-time favorite books. I keep promoting it to everyone whom I meet for the first time. Thinking big isn’t possible for everyone as it takes a lot of courage to do so.

However, if one can dare to rise above their own limit, they can win. Set big goals and work hard to achieve them. In this life changing book, the author has shared tips to overcome our own limiting beliefs, doubts.

The guidance you will get in this book will surely change your life in the coming few weeks. I am confident that you, reading this article, are meant to do something big in life.

It’s one of the life changing books on the power of positive thinking. I recommend you to surely read it once in life.

4- “Mindset: The New Psychology of Success” by Carol S. Dweck

The book is written by world-renowned Stanford University psychologist Carol S. Dweck. The book teaches that success isn’t all about hard work and time management. It’s a mindset that is developed at an early age.

Early age doesn’t mean if you are older, you can’t adopt the tips and ideas shared in the book. It simply means the sooner a person adopt the success mindset, the earlier they encounter the achievement they desire.

By adopting a growth mindset, one can channel their energy. They can do practical things that will keep adding miraculous experiences to their life. In other words, it’s one of the Books on Power of Positive Thinking and inner psychology you must read.

5- “The Happiness Advantage  by Shawn Achor

In this book, the Author Shawn Achor reveals the original connection between happiness and success. He is a leading expert in positive psychology. These two emotions can be developed to achieve more in life.

Thinking positively helps build a habit. Doing things that enhance mood also contributes to being happy inside out. Being happy is one of the habits that impact over all being directly.

They share a bundle of activities and effective ways to develop genuine happiness hormones within the heart. Not to mention, it will help boost the productive energy, happiness and positive mindset.

Thus, I found this book very effective. I added it to the list of Books on Power of Positive Thinking and happiness.

6- “You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero

Every book that is included here is telling you one thing. You have some mystical power within. This power can be awakened by practice. This particular book here is claiming that you are badass and can achieve anything you want.

The author in this book shares many stories which make this book more interesting. The book also shares many guiding advice that, if you follow, will transform you page by page.

“You are a badass” is a book that helps you develop in your personal life. It also helps in your professional life by working upon your thinking pattern. It helps recognize and eliminate every tiny negative self-talk and pushes you towards greatness.

One of the Books on Power of Positive Thinking you must read if you want to achieve something unthinkable.

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7- “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne

“The secret” is one of the most read books. It is also one of the most watched movies around the world. People seeking to understand manifestation are particularly interested in this book and movie. The book is based on the law of attraction theory which is trending these days.

The book shares many ideas developed by some great authors, writers and artists around the world. If you can connect to it and practice everything they shape in this, developing a positive mindset becomes fun.

Combining science and spirituality, these books help you change your inner dialogue. They also help you change your system and allow you to become your best. I personally found this book life changing: Books on Power of Positive Thinking and manifestation.

8- The Magic of Believing by Claude M Bristol

Do you believe you can change your thinking pattern or achieve the goals you have set for yourself? If yes, nothing can stop you, if no, nothing can make you go there.
Your belief, which is your core’s voice , plays a crucial role in your mindset.

The best part about it is that it can be changed or trained with practice. In this book, the author shares many ideas that help you think positively all the time.

The ideas shared in this book help you access the depth of your subconscious mind. They also help you drop the seed of your desires. If you have goals, ideas and dreams to fulfill, this is one of the must-read books. It can also help you develop a positive mindset in the future.

To all those who are reading this article, it’s one of the best Books on Power of Positive Thinking.

9- Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

Being wealthy, having enough money to live a happy and peaceful life is every individual’s wish. Sometimes people work hard. However, their hours of hard work pays less than some of the smart work done in a few hours.

“Think and grow rich” is one of the books that guide you to become rich. It helps you in all areas of your life. The ideas in this book are tested, and effective for those who follow the steps shared here.

This book can help you grow a positive mental attitude and become successful in life. It’s one of the most read and popular Books on Power of Positive Thinking around the world.

A must read book to those who want to be rich in life!

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10- How to Stop Worrying and Start Living by Dale Carnegie

As the name suggests, it’s one of the books that teaches to stop thinking adverse and live in the moment. Most of the population around the world worry about things they cant change or even charge but unaware about it.

In this guide book, the author shares ideas and some activities that help eliminate negative thoughts and emotions. It teaches the value of life and purpose of being in the human body.

It teaches to develop positive thinking by turning negative or unwanted thoughts. One of the recommended Books on Power of Positive Thinking one must read at least once in a lifetime.

How can I practice The Power of Positive Thinking?

Practicing the Power of Positive Thinking means making conscious efforts in your thoughts. It also means reprogramming your subconscious mind by constant awareness.

In order to develop positive thinking you can use powerful affirmations and churn them as much as possible. Also, It’s crucial to feel your thoughts. In other words, acceptance is required. Also, surrounding yourself with positive people, and reading good books help cultivate a positive mindset.

Final Words: If you are making a goal to read some books this year, include these books in your list. They help in developing a positive mindset. Reading each one of these will make your year amazing and take you one step closer to your dream life.

Let me know which one is going to be your first read after this? If you found this article informative and helpful, like and share it with your 2-3 friends. Help them grow with you mentally.

Also, bookmark this page for more informative articles. Look for “Books on Power of Positive Thinking” for instant access in the future.

Stay Healthy, Stay Blessed

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