9 Self-Hypnosis Books Every Healers and Hypnotist Must Read

Last updated on August 16th, 2024 at 10:56 am

Do you know you can master your mind with the help of Self Hypnosis Books?

By learning and following the steps given in these books, you can hack your subconscious mind. 

Am I joking? No, Not at all! I have been doing self-hypnosis for past years. I have the experience; therefore, I want to share the techniques and possibilities with the people interested in increasing their brain potential.

You can heal yourself and create a better world for you. I am going to share some of the most excellent self hypnosis books for beginners and experts as well.

However, I would like to clarify two things.

Firstly, there is a wrong conception of Hypnosis all around the world. Most people don’t take Hypnosis positively.

I too use to think in the same way until I personally tried clinical Hypnosis.

Secondly, Hypnosis is a life-changing technique. Therefore, Give it a try, heal your past, and rewire your brain to experience your full potential.

Above all, If you have any doubts about Hypnosis, I will answer the most asked question after finishing the book list.

 Top 7 hypnosis books 

1- Hypnotherapy

The book is written by Dave Elman. This book is going to clear all the misconceptions about Hypnotherapy.

You might have heard like, oh, don’t go for Hypnotherapy. They will hypnotize you. It can be dangerous, blah blah..

You are going to get all the answers.

The author provides all the details about the states of the conscious mind. He also shares different methods and insights that can be used to activate the subconscious mind.

The book is quite engaging and clear. There are several exercises and different techniques for different circumstances in the book.

The methods presented are natural to understand and follow. One of the essential and best hypnosis books for beginners. 

The book is a MUST READ to those who are interested in psychology and trauma healing. Moreover, Every Hypnotherapist must read it.

Also Read: 9 Best Self Healing Books You Must Read

2- Instant Self-Hypnosis

As the name says, the book is going to help you to hypnotize yourself. Of course, if you want, then only!

I believe this is the best way to learn and practice Hypnosis. The book helped me a lot.

While reading the book, you don’t need to memorize any word or to put down the book to focus. You can do it with your open eyes.

The book presents incredible methods that allow you to put yourself into a hypnotic state instantly. After that, you can use that state to enhance your life in infinite ways.

The book Introduces 35 hypnotic solutions to combat different issues. Issues including public speaking inability, smoking, diet allergies, chronic shyness or disease, and many more can be treated with self-hypnosis.

One of the best hypnosis books I ever read. If you are planning to advance your life, this book can be life-changing for you!

3- Hypnotic Realities

The book is a transcript of Dr. Erickson’s introduction to clinical Hypnosis. He provides his natural methods to trance training in this book.

There are two significant discoveries in this book first, the utilization theory of Hypnosis. Second, indirect forms of suggestion.

Each chapter has an article written by Ernst Rossi, which simplifies and elaborates on the relevant issues in the book. In these articles, Dr. Rossi investigates the approaching order to reveal some of the variables.

These variables can be divided and tested in future innovative work.

These variables are a link between the clinical art of Hypnotherapy and the science of psychology. The author tried to understand human behavior through it.

The book is beneficial for new learners as well as experts. It is one of the great hypnosis books everyone must-read.

Also Read: How to Heal The Past and Design Future by Time Travel Meditation

4- Same Soul, Many Bodies

It is A powerful book that can change one’s perspective about Hypnotherapy. In this book, the author goes beyond guiding people through a scientific, reliable, and healing way.

The Author has provided many past and future life experiences. These will help you to understand Hypnosis in a better way.

The book includes many case studies of a few clients who can connect to you, as it did to me.

You will understand how past life regression can help to understand our present more clearly. Most importantly, it makes enormous positive changes in current lives.

This bestselling book breaks new territory to unveil how progression therapy can help transform present life.

In the end, the Author recommends readers to explore spirituality and learn to understand the abilities of your brain. I believe this is the best favor you can do to yourself.

In conclusion, Explore your own ability with the help of this book one of the best self hypnosis books!

5- My Voice Will Go with You

Milton Erickson is the most influential Hypnotherapist. The book is a collection of all those stories he made his clients listen when they were in a trance state.

These stories helped them in reprogramming their thinking about problems they brought to themselves.

Most captivating, Erickson has a theory that stories once listened to and forgotten have the most control over the future.

In other words, when the conscious mind has dissolved the issues, the memory of the story can clarify in the subconscious.

The book demonstrates the power of a story vividly to transform thinking and behavior instantly.

It is going to be a great read and very insightful. The stories are amazing, which will keep you engaged.

Each chapter is about a different person and a different situation; it’s difficult to put the book down!

It is one of the fantastic best hypnosis books for beginners, everyone must-read.

6- Trancework: An Introduction to the Practice of Clinical Hypnosis

For new learners, the book is an authentic hypnosis book that provides step-by-step guidance for integrating it into clinical practice. 

Those familiar with the hypnotic process are going to learn Yapok presentation of influential methods, discussions, treatment strategies, and excellent case materials.

In other words, this book is useful for beginners and experts as well.

Yapok introduces readers to a wide range of hypnotic techniques. These techniques help enhance the effectiveness of modes of therapy.

Most importantly, the book includes many interviews with leading personalities in this field. It helps me understand the ideas more effectively.

This book simplifies an alternative path to accessing the subconscious and helping patients to change their lives.

One of little comprehensive but readable Hypnosis books, one must read at least once.

7- Handbook of Hypnotic Suggestions and Metaphors

A metaphor is a simple tool to use in Hypnosis. It’s an excellent way to avoid words that can break the trance state.

The author defines the approach as a metaphor that can be accepted more quickly if the hypnotist uses the yes-set technique invented by Socrates.

It is a fantastic book that one needs to dive into, rather than just reading. Corydon Hammond is a well-known hypnotherapist. His wise words reflect deep wisdom in the field.

This book, in particular, is a must-read for people who practice Hypnosis regularly. 

It covers many fields, from medical issues to chronic challenges. Additionally, it’s beneficial in mental health problems.

One of the useful hypnosis books I would like to recommend to everyone interested in Hypnosis.

As I promised above, let me answer some of the most frequently asked questions.

8- Hypnosis Books- Trance-formations

Most of the time, I have seen people reacting instantly after hearing word hypnosis either excitedly or with adverse comments. First of all, if you will read the title, it’s very clearly quoting the real intention behind presenting the book.

I found one of the most accessible hypnosis book clearing every concept of Trance Formations. Believe me or not, every day you go into a trance; the only problem here is that you are unaware of it.

The author has done phenomenal work to clear every tiny detail about trance and its possible potential. The books are super helpful to those who are into healing like me.

9- Monsters and Magical Sticks

Well, If you believe in magic, you don’t need any review of it. However, if you are critical of the concept of magi, read this one once.

The author not only presents the term Hypnosis but the psychology and how it works. These books will allow you to access your more profound level of consciousness that needs to be explored.

Personally, I found this one very helpful in my self-hypnosis and healing so many wounds. The author has presented a simple yet authentic technical way to access the trance state.

One of my favorite and recommended best self hypnosis books for those who are looking to learn the self hypnosis.


1- What is Hypnosis, and how does it work?

Hypnosis, known as Hypnotherapy in present days, is a kind of healing process with the help of guided meditation.

The Hypnotherapist uses commentary to relax and bring the attention of the person in the present. Commentary helps to develop intense concentration and focused attention to achieve a heightened state of awareness.

This stage of high awareness is known as trance. The person’s consciousness is so focused that the person ignores Everything going around him.

That is the moment when Hypnosis works. The Therapist helps in healing the wound and planting seeds of new and better things in the mind.

2- What happens during Hypnosis?

Hypnotherapists bring the person’s state to intense concentration or focused attention. Its a guided method with spoken steps and repetition.

Hypnotherapy helps to plants the seed of various ideas and thoughts in your mind. During the trance state, these changes take root and grow.

3- What is Hypnosis used for?

Hypnotherapy helps treat anxiety, phobias, substance abuse, sexual dysfunction, unwanted behaviors, and poor habits. It also helps to improve sleep, learning disorders, communication, and other related issues.

4- Can Hypnosis be dangerous?

Hypnotherapy has minimal chances of negative effects. It can create false visions if not done correctly. Some other side effects can be headache, dizziness, and stress. However, these don’t last long, and it goes away quickly after the hypnotherapy session.

5- How do I learn hypnosis books?

The above books offer enough guidance to practice and hypnotize your own mind. However, having a live teacher who guide, helps and provide commentary to walk through trans is always the best option. So, I will recommend to find a good teacher and learn everything step by step and in-depth.

6- Is Hypnosis scientifically valid?

My answer to your question is a big YES! Society may have a negative impression due to movies or past experiences. However, Its scientifically proven that you can train your mind to work as you want. Hypnosis is an ultimate way to heal, train and transformation in the same body.

7- Can Hypnosis damage your brain?

Hypnosis is a way to reach deep into your subconscious and drop seed for future. I don’t find it harmful unless until someone treating the brain in the wrong way. However, Every coin has two sides, so if you don’t get proper guidance and right path, it can harm some.

8- What are the negative effects of Hypnosis?

Transformation isn’t an easy task, so if you want to stop consuming coffee suddenly, it can have some adverse impact. Similarly, when you practice Hypnosis and try to change a biological level pattern, it does show some symptoms. Such as Headache, Dizziness, drowsiness, pops up memory, dreams etc.

These are not permanent but temporary effect someone can experience so no need to worry.

9- Can I learn hypnotism?

Yes, Of Course, you can. It’s a skill that needs to be practiced and need to develop a more human connection. If you want to learn it firstly, you need to adopt daily meditation and mindfulness. Secondly, try to practice with your family and friends to become a better one.

10- What is the success rate of Hypnosis?

According to a study performed in 1970, Hypnosis has 90 per cent of success rate. In Fact, the twenty-first century has many advanced tools that guarantee a higher success rate than above.

#11 Can hypnosis erase memories?

You may experience slight amnesia because of hypnosis, but you can not erase or forget memories without suggestions during deep hypnosis.

If the hypnotist suggests forgetting about a particular event during deep hypnosis, you may be able to do so after few sessions. However, If after the session you try to remember that event intentionally, you can restore it.

Final Words: I am sure The article helps clear all the doubts about Hypnosis. If you still have any doubt, you can ask in the comment box or mail me directly.

These Self hypnosis books can be your best guide to train you to access your subconscious and live the best life.

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