Powerful Spiritual Warfare Prayers – BigBrainCoach

Last updated on August 14th, 2024 at 02:36 am

Powerful Spiritual Warfare Prayers | Images of Spiritual Warfare Payers

If you are a Godly person then encountering spiritual warfare is one of the common battles you will encounter in your lifetime. Sometimes, it’s painful and discouraging for most people.

However, realizing that battles only come to those who are worth fighting it really strengthens me. Using some prayers and meditating with the situation, allowing God for guidance keeps me going on with it.

If you’re looking for Powerful Spiritual Warfare Prayers to deal with your situation, this blog post might surely help you. Along with prayers some of daily routine changes may be super effective and helpful.

Here are some powerful spiritual warfare prayers to help you combat spiritual attacks and strengthen your faith.

Powerful Spiritual Warfare Prayers and Protection

“Dear Lord, Let your protecting light stay around me and shield me from any harmful or evil intentions. I keep my faith in you and allow you to take me where I belong with you Lord. Amen.”

One of the first and foremost things you need to do is, Ask God to protect you from negativity. Do you know, spiritual people don’t encounter big setbacks, but the tiny one seems to be huge as they have cleansed their atmosphere.

Using one of my shared Powerful Spiritual Warfare Prayers will help you cleanse your aura and strengthen you. When trapped in evil energy, asking for strength is needed.

“Heavenly Father, Strengthen me to fight the battle I am trapped in today. Fill my heart and aura with your light and courage to face this citation and come out as your strongest soldier. Amen.”

Also Read about 7 Amazing Spiritual Warfare Books Everyone Must Read

Powerful Spiritual Warfare Prayers and Armors of God

“Good Lord, Help me pull the armor of God when needed. Bless me with your power to remain firm in my decision based on truth. Protect my mind, body and spirit Lord so that I can shield myself with faith in you. Amen.”

No matter how long you have been living a Godly life, if you can’t use your power when needed, you need to work more. In my experience when we practice our spiritual practices regularly and with complete faith, we can use all the spiritual power in the right time.

It’s a blessing to use God’s words and power when needed because God Himself reminds us of it. If you haven’t experienced it yet, use some Powerful Spiritual Warfare Prayers asking for wisdom.

“Jesus, Grant me the strength and wisdom to be mindful and use your gifts in the right time at the right place. Strengthen me so much that I can free myself from the chain of enemy’s grip. I claim victory in your name. Amen.”

Powerful Spiritual Warfare Prayers for Right Decision

“Father, Bless me with the eye that recognizes the good and bad coming in my way and protects myself from harm. Give me the power and direction to make the right decision and stay firm to it. Amen.”

All the skills, knowledge, power and life we have is a gift from God. Giving it to HIm back and asking for His guidance and power to make it the best life is the only goal to live rightly.

Even life challenges become a blessing when we live with God each and every second. Therefore, all we need to practice is surrendering by using some Powerful Spiritual Warfare Prayers and be mindful.

“Heavenly Father, I pray to you to please increase my faith in you and accept me as your obedient child. Guide me, strengthen me and take me where I belong so that I can live a life I want to live, in your presence. Amen.”

Also Read about Scriptures on Spiritual Warfare in The Bible

Powerful Spiritual Warfare Prayers and Calm Mind

“King of Peace, Ocean of Love, Shower your peace upon me and quiet my mind to feel your love and light. Let my heart pound in love with you and mind remain calm under your love and peace. Guard my mind and heart in the midst of the spiritual battle I am going through. Amen.”

Peace in the mind is the sign of the presence of our beloved faith in our life. A Godly person’s mind only gets into turbulence when it disconnects from God, the source of everything.

Therefore in order to stay peaceful and win any spiritual battle it’s crucial to focus on connection with God not the battle. Use some short Powerful Spiritual Warfare Prayers, meditate more, spend more time doing seva in His presence, He himself will lift you and win the battle.

“Jehovah Rapha, I call upon You for healing and eliminating all the distraction. Heal my wound inflicted by the evils and align my mind body soul. Restore my health into perfect shape so that I become whole again. Amen.”

Powerful Spiritual Warfare Prayers

“Lord Jesus, By using your precious and pure blood, break all my generational curse against me. Forgive me If I have done any curse to anyone else bless me with your purity. Let my enemy be at peace, disconnect me from them. I claim your pure love and blessing over my life. Amen.”

As Karma Says, nothing comes into your life out of the blue but everything is the result of your own doing in the past. Therefore, often negative people or situations are the result of our own past Karma.

In order to eliminate any negative situation and people from current life, it’s crucial to cut all the past ties by asking for forgiveness. The best way to do it is silently using some Powerful Spiritual Warfare Prayers for forgiveness.

“Merciful Father, The ocean of love and kindness, I ask for forgiveness for everything I did wrong in the past. Forgive me and close all the doors of my past karma that is affecting my present. I pray for those who have been troubled by me in the past. Let my mind and spirit be at peace, Lord. Amen.

Powerful Spiritual Warfare Prayers for Courage

“Heavenly Father, Fill my mind and spirit with your power and courage to stand firm against satan. Let me be the reason people and satan believe in the existence of you and your miracles. Amen.”

God is always kind and merciful towards His children like you and me who look for Him during challenges. It only takes the presence of mind and the right words to call upon him and use His power for our shake.

To those who keep their full faith and life in God, they always get victory in every situation. Sometimes it’s a great way to express gratitude for His mercy though Powerful Spiritual Warfare Prayers for past victories.

“God of Victory, Accept my heartfelt gratitude for all those previous experiences you gave me to offer my life to you. Today, I declare that with you, I am going to win all the battles that I encounter. Empower me to overcome all the distracting and discouraging situations and people and stay firm in your faith, today and forever. Amen.”

Also Read about The Spiritual Benefits of Fasting

Powerful Spiritual Warfare Prayers

“Heavenly Father, Thank you for the family you blessed me with. Today I lift this family to you and pray to you to please let your angels be with them and protect them. Let no enemy of devils touch or harm them. Amen.”

To most people family is everything. In fact, family is the reason behind our existence therefore, it’s our responsibility to protect them with our prayers and good intentions.

It’s also your responsibility to stay detached to them mentally as when you are stronger and safe, you can protect them. Using some Powerful Spiritual Warfare Prayers for wisdom can lead you to better understanding.

“Spirit of Wisdom, I ask you for wisdom and your guidance during every challenge to light my path. Guide me to avoid any path that leads me to distractions, traps or away from God. Please Grant me the right insight and wisdom to make the right decision. Amen.”


1- What is the key to spiritual warfare?

One of the easiest and powerful keys is prayer (read 6:18). Prayer is a very personal dependence on God, that silence strengthens use. Prayer done in silence organically awakens all the armor we have been blessed with throughout our journey.

Turning to God is personal, and the best way to begin each day. Be mindful of doing everything in God’s presence. When you allow God to be there for you, He won’t let anything go wrong.

2- Who are our enemies in spiritual warfare?

Our real enemy in our spiritual journey is none other than Satan. Who keeps attacking our mind and by distracting us, bringing us down to the physical realm.

We don’t need to look for solutions outside by focusing on inner conflicts, connecting to God and doing the right thing is the key to winning Him. Protecting your soul by being with God, shielding yourself by His love and power is a way to pass all the battle.

Final Words: encountering devils, experiencing hell in your spiritual life is a sign that you are walking on the right path. It happens to only those who are moving at a higher level as lower level people don’t even bother to know the reason.

You may consider it as Satan doesn’t want you to go closer to God or other way to take it as God is strengthening you by testing you. Either way, the key to take here is as you are getting stronger and upgrading yourself.

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Stay Healthy, Stay blessed

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