7 Short Prayers Of Thanks to God For The Gift Of Life

Last updated on September 7th, 2024 at 12:39 am

Isn’t it a blessing to stay alive where some people don’t get the chance to see today’s sunrise? This relation made me add a few Short Prayers Of Thanks to Lord for blessing me with a new day.

Yes, these are things that often make me feel it’s challenging to deal with, but once it passes, things get aligned.

Believe me, while writing this article, I am going through betrayal, but there is a voice screaming inside me that “Darling, You are going to be more than Okay.”

I am confident that, unlike me, you may have experienced hundreds of such moments in your past, but look, you are here today. I have concluded that the universe operates in mysterious ways, and God watches over us constantly.

Therefore, it is wiser to pray in the morning and show gratitude to be alive today. I will share some Short Prayers Of Thanks giving that you can use to show your humbleness to God.

Before we go to prayers, let’s see what does Bible says about being Grateful?

Also Read about Best Bible Verses About Goodness of God

Bible Verses About Being Grateful

1 Thessalonians 5:18 “Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”

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As the Bible says, thank God because you are learning no matter what challenges you are going through. I have learned that challenges are the only way to grow and evolve.

When you learn to say Thank You during difficult times, you learn to keep yourself calm and let God guide you to cross the hardest bridge safely.

Using any Short Prayers Of Thanks shared in this article will let you to be more optimistic and futuristic in the Long term.

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Colossians 3:15 “And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful.”

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Short Prayer To Thank God For The Gift Of Life

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“Dear Heavenly Father, I am here to show my gratitude for taking care of all the suffering and pain during challenging days. I wouldn’t have been able to do it alone, so Thank You for life and for always being by my side. Amen.”

Believe me or not, It’s not you who find a way to solve life’s mystery, but God touches you and shows you the way. I have seen people wondering how things miraculously change within a few blinks.

There is no other opinion that God is watching over you, guiding and blessing you. It’s upto individuals how long they take to accept and open themselves to be more blessed by saying Thank You to him.

This list of “Short Prayers Of Thanks to the Lord” provides you with the options to select the best suitable one and use it on a daily basis.

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“Loving Father, I humbly say “Thank You” for all I have today, including every breath I am inhaling. Thank You for another Morning rays touching my skin and making me feel the warmth of your love and protection. Let this day be worth living, and do your best. Amen.”

Short Prayers Of Thanks For The Food

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“O Glorious God, I Thank You for the food you have provided my family and the comfort we are living in. We are grateful for your blessing to experience this feast time and stay alive to be together, Lord, Amen.”

Food is the source of energy that allows us to stay healthy and be able to perform physical tasks. Praying before eating your food opens the door to better health and physic that is essential to remain fit as age passes.

Additionally, it’s the best way to organically transfer an excellent culture to the next generation as our children learn from what we act, not what we teach to them.

You may use one of the Short Prayers Of Thanks Giving in this article to say during dinner or breakfast when the entire family is together.

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“O gracious God, Thank You for your glorious blessing that we as a family experience every day and want to say Thank You for it. As we are all sitting here, in front of the food, Please accept our Thank you and bless the food to be mor healthy and fulfilling. Let your blessing stay around this family always, Lord, Amen.”

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Prayer For Thanksgiving And Protection

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“Loving God, Today I pray you stay around my family and me so that we can stay safe, happy, and together. Also, I, on behalf of my entire family, want to say “Thank You” for keeping us safe and healthy even when things get challenging, and we feel unsafe. Amen.”

As I said, the greatest blessing in this life you will ever have is to keep breathing, no matter what. I believe that a small prayer for this should be our first thing to do before leaving the bed.

Often we forget about the advantage of being alive and complain about the things we feel and experience emotionally. However, it takes only a couple of days to inculcate a new habit to adopt.

Using one of the Short Prayers Of Thanks offering for this beautiful life also provides you with a sense of purpose in life.

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“Heavenly Father, I thank you for adding this beautiful morning to my life and offering me an opportunity to do something worth it. I pray you to provide us with the wisdom and take me to the point where I belong to Lord.”

Short Morning Prayers Of Thanks Offering

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“Dear God, Thank you for this morning, health, peace, and excitement in my heart. As I step into the new day, I pray you to be my side and help me be a better version of myself. Let today be one of the best days of my life, Lord.”

When your mind is calm and at its best listening mode in the morning, make sure you feed it with empowering words. Using a prayer of gratitude helps you invite more happy and supportive circumstances throughout the day.

Select anyone Short Prayers Of Thanks offering from this article and invite more magical days and moments in your life.

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“Lord God, allow me to open my heart in front of you and how deeply I am grateful for this new morning and all the things and people I have around. I pray you to eliminate all the hurdles, remove all my fear, and provide me with the strength and opportunity to make you more proud, Lord, Amen.”

Short Prayer Of Thanks For Blessings

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“Thank You, Lord God, for yesterday, today, and each passing moment keeps me aware of being more blessed than others. Accept my “Thank You” for giving me everything that makes my life easy and makes me feel like I am loved and cared for. Amen.”

You might not always have the best of everything you wish for, but believe me, God knows what’s best for you. This sense has always helped me achieve more, do more, and dream more with a sense of satisfaction.

People feel less loved, cared and achievers because they deny accepting the fact that the thing they have in life is a blessing. A complaining heart is blocked and cannot see the goodness around.

Here are some Short Prayers Of Thanks offering that may help you have more and feel satisfied. A small phrase saying “Thank You Lord for Everything” will open the closed heart to receive more and see the different versions of life.

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“Heavenly God, Forgive me for all the mistakes I make and accept my gratitude for providing me with the sense of liveliness. Thank You for everything I feel, have, and the time to experience all of them. Let your shower of blessing remain to pour upon my family and me, Lord.”

1- How do you thank God in short?

“Thank You” is not about saying the word out loud but generating that emotion within your heart. In order to express your true gratefulness to God, close your eyes and pour your heart in front of God.

Bring God in front of you and Say “Thank You God for Everything Including This Moment”. Let this simple word come from your core of heart.

Final Words: I am confident that one of the above Short Prayers Of Thanks offerings will do the magic to you the way it did to me. I pray that God keeps you safe, happy, and fit so that you keep returning to this page and stay grateful for what you have.

If you found this article helpful, empowering, and informative, share it with your friends and family to make them aware of how blessed they are.

Also, don’t forget to bookmark this page for a more informative and helpful article like “Short Prayers Of Thanks” for instant access in the future.

Stay Healthy, Stay Blessed.

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