12 Steps To Self Care For A Better Balanced and Fulfilled Life

Last updated on July 11th, 2023 at 10:46 pm

Are you someone who postpones their own happiness in order to keep others happy? Well, you are doing a great job but tell me one thing- Who will take of you? Following these 12 Steps To Self Care will give fulfillment, but you will care for others far better. 

Yes, if you care for others, it’s crucial for you to take care of yourself first.

Life is a journey, and we all have our own purposes in life. However, The first and most important purpose of life is to be happy. It’s important to understand that happiness isn’t outside its inside you.

Therefore, being happy is a personal and essential choice for all of us. To be happy, you need to stay connected to yourself.

For me, these 12 steps to self care for better life have been working like healing therapy. Before we jump to the self care tips, lets understand What actually self care is?

True Meaning of Self-Care

People these days misunderstand the term” self-care” as if not caring for others but only for yourself.

The real meaning of “Self-Care” is taking care of yourself in the same way you do to your loved ones or others. So that you can stay healthy physically, mentally, emotionally, and psychologically.

Self-care is the responsibility everyone has towards themselves. Being healthy and happy allow you to be the best version of yourself.

Self-care is taking out time to be kind to yourself. Creating time to be with yourself brings a massive difference to physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing.

The reason behind the necessity of self-care is that you genuinely will care for others without any expectations if you are healthy.

Self-care is bringing change to your daily routine so that you always feel connected to yourself and the world. Self-care not only reflects on you but on others too. It allows you to do all things with kindness.

12 Steps to Self Care for Better Balanced and Fulfilled Life 

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1- Be Yourself

Rare is real these days. So, just be yourself. Remind yourself daily that you are a fantastic individual on this planet earth. No one can replace you. So, Be the best version of yourself. Be bold and authentic with yourself.

Being real is the highest achievement in life. It will give you the satisfaction and happiness which nothing in the World can provide. Praise yourself for all the progress you have made.

Always dedicate time to congratulate yourself for being you. Remember, the world needs more genuine people. Fake is outdated. Being yourself is the first but essential step of 12 Steps To Self Care for better life.

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2- Be Good And Kind To Yourself

The wrong side of good people is that they are always kind to others but never to themselves.

Keep a note that Mental health is as important as physical health. Always think positive about yourself. Analyzing yourself is a different thing, but be kind to yourself and work on bettering your mental health.

Create some powerful self-talk and speak to yourself whenever you get time. After all, you are the one who spends most of the time with you.
Remember, to encourage yourself is your responsibility.

I feel this the most essential step of 12 Steps To Self Care for better and balanced life. 

3- One of the 12 Steps To Self Care is Practice Detachment

Emotional health is as important as mental and physical health. Emotional detachment protects your mind from stressful people and situations. It also trains you not to take things personally.

However, detachment doesn’t mean that you don’t care for others. It simply means that you care so much that instead of dragging yourself into their pain, you chose to do something which can remove the pain from loved ones.

The Bhagavad Gita also recommends practicing detachment. Detachment balance your emotional health, which is ultimately helpful in keeping you physically and mentally fit.

One of the best benefits of detachment is that you gain the ability to let go of the past, painful memories, and anger. Staying detached can be hard but its one of the best step of 12 Steps To Self Care for a better life.

4- Let Go And Let God

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The beauty of life is, it gives you many surprises every day. Not every surprise comes to please us; some comes to teach us something. So, learn to let go of things that are not into your control.

Life is all about learning to balance between expected and unexpected. Give thanks to the expected one and accept the unexpected one.

The unexpected situation always brings some messages for us. So we can learn from it and let go. Also, Acceptance keeps you in peace and saves your energy for something worth it.

In other words, not making yourself stressed is another self care steps of 12 Steps To Self Care to better life. 

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5- Surround Yourself With Positivity

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We become like those five people we spend most of the time with. Yes, it’s true. Energy affects, and it gets transferred too.

Therefore, choose your circle wisely. When it comes to your future and mental health, decide to be with positive people. They are the ones who can lift you and increase your energy level.

When you surround yourself with dreamers and doers, you get inspired to do more in life. You give your life a purpose that makes you feel complete and satisfied.

Self-care means you chose the people who are good for your mental health. Selection of positive people is one of the right self care steps of 12 Steps To Self Care.

6- One of the 12 Steps To Self Care is Follow Your Dreams

One of the most important steps to self-care is to keep yourself satisfied and happy.

Life without goals and dreams is like your car without fuel, a journey without a destination. Not following your dreams inviting depression, frustration, and unhappiness in life.

To live fullest, you have to live your dreams. No matter how much you feel stuck in any situation, always follow your dreams. It gives you satisfaction, happiness, and make your life worth living.

Research says most of the people regret on death bed for not doing what they wanted to do. So, don’t let your dream die. Follow it, pursue it, and life fullest.

Living your life on your terms and condition is one of the most important self care steps of 12 Steps To Self Care for  better life.

7- Make Time For Yourself

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When I say time for yourself, it means only you. Take out some time in a day to spend with yourself. The best person to spend time with is within you.

When you spend time with yourself, you learn more about yourself.
Give time for your hobbies, spend time with nature, cook something you really like.

Schedule your time for yourself, and spend that time for whatever makes you feel happy and connected to yourself.

Keeping yourself happy and peaceful is one essential self care steps of 12 Steps To Self Care for a better life. Therefore you have to take full responsibility for it.

8- Once In A Year Travel Solo

Traveling solo makes a big difference in life. It makes you more responsible for self-care. You don’t need to feel stressed or drained before going on a solo trip.

Just make a routine to travel for two-three days alone. It gives you extra energy and wisdom for better upcoming days.

When you disconnect yourself from the world for a while, you feel more relax and strengthened. These self-care journeys don’t have to be expensive; simply travel to the next town and see the views, or go camping or trekking.

The only goal here is to take time from your regular calendar and do something just for yourself. I feel you too can add this to your 12 steps to self care for better life list.

9- Invest In Self-Care Books

The best investment one can do investing in something which doubles productivity. Books are the best way to discover fresh ideas and improve yourself. There are hundreds of best-selling self-care books available on amazon.

Buy some for yourself and get better tips to groom yourself. You can read on mobile or online too. However, it’s always better to use a paper book as it has a different psychological effect on the mind.

Reading a paper book is the best for the mind as well as eyes too. Reading is one of the soul feeding self care steps of 12 Steps To Self Care for a better life.

10- Don’t Hesitate To Say No To Others And Yes To Your Self-Care

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Saying no to someone is really challenging. However, learning to say no is an essential self care steps among 12 steps to self care for a better life.

When you say yes to others, make sure you genuinely do. Before spreading happiness around, it’s important to spread joy inside you. Therefore, If you don’t feel like saying YES to others, Then don’t.

With a little practice, you can learn how to politely say no. Being true to yourself will make you feel more empowered, and you’ll have more time for your self-care.

11- Include Mental And Physical Exercise In Your Self-Care List

The workout is the best activity to keep yourself physically fit. However, adding some mental exercise gives an extra boost to our self-care mindset. The workout is one of the important self care steps among 12 steps to self care for a better life.

Schedule time for the workout. Add different activities like Zumba, cardio, yoga for physical fitness. You can practice various exercises on a typical day. It also adds some modernity and motivates you to work out daily.

Meditation is the ultimate way to self care. It keeps you calm, peaceful and focused on your priority in life.

You can add mindfulness in your self-care and practice it while performing any activities. You need not take out different times for this.

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12- Practice Gratitude

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The Law of Attraction says Practicing gratitude attracts more blessings. Take out time to say thanks for everything you have.

The advantages of practicing Gratitude are endless. Those who practice Gratitude daily experience more positive emotions, feel more conscious, sleep better, and express more empathy.

Gratitude must be your first and last thought of the day. I kept it to the previous because I feel its most important thought of the day. Gratitude is most essential self care steps among 12 steps to self care for a better life.


1- What is true self-care?

True self care means knowing your true inner self, knowing its worth and taking the required amount of care for it. There is a lot more power hidden within you, once you know about it, doing the things that help you flourish means true self care.

In order to know your true self in the real sense, you need to know about your mental, emotional, physical and psychological health. Balancing all the aspects of yourself is called real self care.

2- What is Emotional Self-Care?

Emotions are the core of all the power of a human being God has blessed with. Unfortunately most of the people all over the world are struggling to live their true emotions, to live their true self.

Emotional self care means living your authentic self by expressing yourself, protecting yourself and strengthening your emotional self. When you are emotionally strong and healthy, nothing in this world can hit your confidence and you will surely conquer the world easily.

Final Words: I am sure that if you follow all the shared 12 steps to self care tips, you will grow emotionally, mentally, physically and financially as well. ALl of the self care activities will help you enrich your life in the most effective ways.

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Stay Healthy, Stay Blessed

Sharing Is Caring:

Namaste. I am a Reiki Grand Master and spiritual counselor who passionately guides individuals toward a stress-free life. With a profound commitment to holistic well-being, I integrate my expertise in Reiki and prayers with spiritual guidance to help clients achieve balance and tranquility. Outside of my professional life, I am an avid traveler, exploring new places and cultures, which further enriches my perspective and enhances my ability to connect with people from diverse backgrounds.

3 thoughts on “12 Steps To Self Care For A Better Balanced and Fulfilled Life”

  1. Showing gratitude is one of the most important self-care practice for sure! It reminds us about the good things of life and keeps the life positive, eventually leading to self care!!
    Great Blog!!

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