6 Essential Oil For Body Odor | BigBrainCoach

Last updated on September 6th, 2024 at 09:35 pm

Are you Looking for the essential oil that helps with excessive sweating and smell good? If you are searching for effective Essential Oil For Body Odor, this article will guide you to select the best one for you.

In summer, it’s natural to sweat because of the hot weather in that season. However, some people sweat excessively, that can make them feel embraced in front of others.

Yes, many expensive deodorants and perfumes can give you relief, but in a Long time, they have a chemical effect on your body. Self-care is essential when it comes to protecting your skin against chemicals.

Now, the question comes: “Which essential oil is best for body odor? This article will reveal the properties of the suitable Essential Oil For Body Odor and fragrance.

Top 6 Essential Oil For Body Odor

1- Lavender Essential Oil For Body Odor

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Lavender is one of the most popular flourish scenes often used for better smell. What can be a better mask than Lavender when it comes to body odour.

The lavender fragrance eliminates lousy body odour and helps you stay calm and more productive. Lavender also own antifungal and antibacterial component, which makes it more valuable.

In other words, Lavender can be used as a body spray, or you may add it with any other carrier oil and directly apply it to your armpits. Lavender has many precious components that work on human nerves, help sleep easily, feel refreshed, and work more effectively.

Most importantly, Lavender has a cooling effect crucial during the summer season for the human body. All the above qualities make lavender one of the best Essential Oil For Body Odor.

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2- Peppermint Oil For Body Odor

Firstly, Peppermint is popular for its menthol, an excellent antiseptic that is crucial for protection. Secondly, the fragrance is so smooth and calming that it can eliminate any irritation or stress from your mind.

This uplifting essential oil is one of the most used and loved essence easily available in the market. The cooling component of Peppermint is additive to post-sunburn skincare and is an antiseptic. Therefore it helps eliminate the heat, essential in the summer season.

In addition, Peppermint is An aid to other oils, which is an extra benefit. If you are planning to use a blend, do not forget to add Peppermint. I am confident that you know now that Peppermint is one of the most useful Essential Oil For Body Odor.

3- Tea Tree Essential Oil For Body Odor

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If you are looking for the answer to “Is Tea Tree Oil Good for body odor?” The answer is Yes. Tea Tree oil has compounds that fight bacteria, causing lousy body odor.

It’s one of the essential oils primarily used as a deodorant, and it has also shown its effect. You may also use it directly in your underarm after the shower.

However, make sure to use very little and mix with any carrier oil as essential oil reacts to the skin, so check before using it. The astringent and antimicrobial properties available in tea tree oil fights the bacteria and protect you from body odor.

I personally prefer tea tree oil when it comes to body odor as I like the smell after use. Therefore, I added tea tree essential oil to the list of best Essential Oil For Body Odor.

4- Rosemary Essential Oil

Rosemary is also a great source of antibacterial and antifungal properties, making it an effective natural deodorant. The oil is already famous for its enormous health benefits among people.

The oil smells good, kills bacteria, and makes us feel refreshed and energetic. It contains menthol and chlorophyll that keep the bacteria and body odor away from you.

Add a few rosemary leaves to water and boil them for a few minutes. Cool the water and add it to your bath water and let it take away all the sweaty smell you want to get rid of.

Since oxidative stress causes an underarm odor, rosemary as a deodorant will help you protect your body and smell good. Rosemary is another best smelling Essential Oil For Body Odor.

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5- Sage Essential Oil For Body Odor

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Unlike other mentioned essential oil in this post, Sage oil also contains antibacterial and antifungal properties. The sweet, herbaceous aroma undoubtedly makes this beneficial oil for body odor.

Sage has already been used in traditional medicine to reduce inflammation and soothe upset stomachs. Using it in your deodorant definitely helps get rid of armpit odor.

Sage has been used for multiple reasons for our day-to-day physical and mental health. I am a big fan of its aromatic fragrance that relaxes my nerves and makes me feel calm and focused.

Undoubtedly sage is another best Essential Oil For Body Odor that can make you smell divine and stay focused at the same time.

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6- Bergamot Essential Oil

The synergistic effect of two natural components, orange and lemon, makes Bergamot smell fresh. The seductive fragrance, antimicrobial, antifungal, antibacterial, and antiseptic ingredients make this oil perfect for homemade deodorant.

Not to wonder why it’s one of the best smelling essential oils for the body. For the best result, it can be mixed with herbaceous oils and Lavender essential oil.

So, if you ask me for the essential oil that helps with excessive sweating and smell, Bergamot is your answer. Making your homemade deo using essential oil isn’t only kame you smell good but also protects you from bacterial infections.

Not to mention, if you love its fragrance, it will be a wise decision to use Bergamot Essential Oil For Body Odor.

To sum up, it’s easy and quick to make a homemade blend to naturally get rid of body odor. It’s more effective and safe if you choose to use any Essential Oil For Body Odor.

Here is a simple and healthy recipe that will cover your body and odor and make your smell good.

Essential Oil Recipe For Body Odor

  •  Take one tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar and one-fourth cup of filtered water.
  • Take One tablespoon of jojoba oil as a carrier oil, as it’s one of the best ones for skin, and have any of the above essential oil.
  • Mix all ingredients and store them in a spray bottle.
  • In order to use it, shake it well and spray off your skin, let them be there for ten to fifteen minutes and wash it.

Note: Before directly using it on your skin, try it on a patch of your rough skin, and it’s always easier to test before using essential oil directly on the skin.

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1- How to use essential oils for body odor?

Add a few drops of essential oil of your choice and mix it in water or other carrier oil. After bath, use this blend under the sweaty areas and let it work. You may also use rose water instead of simple water.

The importance is, never use pure essential oil on skin.

2- What essential oils are good for armpits?

Tea Tree essential oil is one of the most popular oils for armpits. The reason behind its popularity is its cleansing and antimicrobial properties. These properties help the hidden area cleanse and smells as well.

Using tea tree oil after bath is one of the natural ways to stay refreshed all day and maintain hygiene. In addition, the fragrance of tea tree oil makes you smell fresh all day long.

3- What essential oils help with excessive sweating?

When it comes to stopping excessive sweating Tea tree oil, lavender, citrus oils (like lemon, lime), peppermint, and pine are popular and effective essential oils. Due to its citrus and cooling properties it keeps you refreshed and sweat less.

Mix it with water and use it after every bath for a few days and experience the changes.

Final Words: When it comes to self-care or skincare, I always prefer using natural ingredients as they can be slow but healthy and effective for the skin.

Using Essential Oil For Body Odor has been easy and safe. The only thing you need to take a very little and test before using it on your skin directly, and it’s always better than other products available on the market.

If you found this article helpful, informative, and worth sharing, share it on your social media and guide others to shift to organic products rather than the mixed chemical ones.

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Stay Healthy, Stay Blessed

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Namaste. I am a Reiki Grand Master and spiritual counselor who passionately guides individuals toward a stress-free life. With a profound commitment to holistic well-being, I integrate my expertise in Reiki and prayers with spiritual guidance to help clients achieve balance and tranquility. Outside of my professional life, I am an avid traveler, exploring new places and cultures, which further enriches my perspective and enhances my ability to connect with people from diverse backgrounds.