Embracing Prayer for Reconciliation with God- BigBrainCoach

Last updated on August 27th, 2024 at 11:40 pm

Embracing Prayer for Reconciliation with God | Miracle Prayer for Reconciliation | Prayer for Reconciliation and Forgiveness

In the hustle of our daily lives, it’s easy to disconnect with God. Sometimes, we may do something that is against God’s principle. We are all not perfect but working towards perfection, right?

The challenges of life and our weakness to deal with them sometimes can make us question our faith. However, disconnection might be only a few minutes or hours. Yet, it’s painful to feel the disconnection with the Almighty for those who consider Him everything.

The good news is that God is an ocean of Love and kindness. If we ask for forgiveness and reconciliation, He welcomes us with open hearts. In this blog post of BigBrainCoach, I will share some of the short Prayer for Reconciliation with God. But before that lets understand the meaning and process of reconciliation.

True Meaning of Reconciliation

Reconciliation is a term that only spiritual people who are living at high vibration will understand. I am saying this because those who have a strong relationship with God find it hard to be separated from Him. They find it difficult even for a few minutes.

It’s a process that restores the broken relationship with God and accepts the imperfection of yourself. The journey of Reconciliation process requires honesty, humility and a heart that is ready to transform.

The process cleanses, heals and makes you more worthy of God. It helps you to release the burden, guilt and shame you have been carrying. Before Moving to the Prayer for Reconciliation with God, let’s see the process of reconciliation in a few words.

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Steps to Reconciliation Through Prayer

  •  Begin the process with a calm mind doing Self-Reflection, understanding the moment when you fall apart. Acknowledge your actions, thoughts and lack of faith, admit everything and be prepared for healing.
  •  Release the pain and guilt from your heart by Expressing Sorrow and ask God for forgiveness. Know in your heart that you are forgiven as God forgives and open the door of love for you.
  •  The process isn’t only for forgiveness but it’s a Commitment to Change your old habits and strengthen your faith. The level of faith you require is only possible when you ask God to bless you with that. Have faith that He will do!
  •  End the process by expressing your Gratitude and Praise God for His kindness and selfless love. Request Him to let it flow upon you for the rest of your life .
  •  Understand that life is a battle between Good and bad so chances are you will fall again. Therefore make it a habit to perform this prayer once in a while to raise your vibration constantly.
  •  Prayer is one of the most sacred and powerful rituals to connect and ask God for anything. The fruit of this process will be seen in no time as God loves a clean heart and clear Intellect.

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Powerful Prayer for Reconciliation with God

Now Allow me to share some short Prayer for Reconciliation with God. I believe it’s one of the relationships that lasts for eternity so It’s worth investing your time and emotions.

Embracing Prayer for Reconciliation with God

“Heavenly Father, I am so grateful for you for making me feel your love, concern and even the absence of it in my heart. The disconnection with you made me realize How Important and essential you are to me. I pray you to please let the feeling of Loved by You remain forever with me. Amen.”

Prayer for Reconciliation with God

Having a true connection with God is really a blessing that needs to be embraced. Also, never forget that things only happen If He wants it to happen. Therefore, having a strong Relationship with God is a two way effort.

Fill your heart with the sense of being blessed as God chose you to find and connect to Him. During disconnection your Prayer for Reconciliation with God has value and it will be answered for sure.

“Deaf Lord, Your presence in my life makes me feel valuable, loved and cared for. While I am connected to you, I feel alive so let that aliveness be there when I am connected to you. Amen.”

Prayer for Reconciliation and Forgiveness

“Heavenly Father, I am ashamed of my mistakes and allowing worldly situations to shake my faith in You. I pray to you for forgiveness and allow my spirit to be rese under your love. Accept me Father as I am incomplete and lost without you. Amen.”

Prayer for Reconciliation with God

God is the greatest father who always forgives His children. Yet, we must recognize our mistakes. We must also ask for forgiveness. I make us more humble and obedient towards His guidance.

Before using Prayer for Reconciliation with God, ask for the known forgiveness. Then, ask for the unknown forgiveness for the actions that lead you away from God. So that you will be aware in the future to not repeat the same mistakes.

“Father In Heaven, I pray you to please forgive my all the previous mistakes and accept me, guide me and help me to become pure and obedient to you. Have mercy and accept me Lord, guide me to stay close and loyal to you in the future. Amen.”

1- What is the Bible quote of reconciliation?

2 Corinthians 5:17-21—God reconciled the world to himself through Christ. It means God gave His children to reconcile again by following the guidelines He sent through Christ.

1 John 1:5-10, 2:1-2—If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just. He will forgive our sins and cleanse us from all injustice. The above verse gives us Hope and guidelines. We should confess our mistake and ask for forgiveness. God will accept us, for sure.

Final Words: Whether you have family and friends or not, having God on your side will fulfill all your needs. Your human needs will be satisfied. God will meet all your human needs. One can live without anyone, but God is the one who is essential for a happy, healthy and peaceful life.

In order to live a balanced and peaceful life, Stay close to God. If you have been distant from Him, follow these steps and pray. This will help you reconnect. You will have a better experience with Him.

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Stay Healthy, Stay Blessed

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Namaste. I am a Reiki Grand Master and spiritual counselor who passionately guides individuals toward a stress-free life. With a profound commitment to holistic well-being, I integrate my expertise in Reiki and prayers with spiritual guidance to help clients achieve balance and tranquility. Outside of my professional life, I am an avid traveler, exploring new places and cultures, which further enriches my perspective and enhances my ability to connect with people from diverse backgrounds.