Last updated on September 26th, 2024 at 09:44 am
Are you looking for Prayers Against Financial Blockages or prayer to cancel your enemy’s plan? You’re reading the accurate article for your query; It will clear all your financial blockages.
First of all, accept my prayer for your challenges and let it work in favour of your desire.

“Dear God, Let the person reading this text have all the luxury and abundance life. Clear all their financial blockages and shower the rain of money at them constantly. Amen.”
Facing financial challenges, despite working hard, is sometimes because of money blockage. The financial blockage can be because of an astrological shift or position, or someone has intentionally blocked it.
Wondering if others can block your happiness? Yes, They can. If you are sensitive to energy, other people can suck your happiness and stop future goodness.
This article will guide you to clear all the blockages with the help of some tips and some powerful Prayers Against Financial Blockages.
Before we go to the prayers, let’s see what the Bible says about financial blockages.
Bible Verses About Financial Blockages
Proverbs 3:9-10, “Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the firs fruits of all your crops; then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine.”

Money is one of the greatest gifts God keeps giving us to fulfil all of our essentials and desires. Yes, we work, but the result is upto Him, and this is one of the main reasons we must always stay humble and keep thanking God.
The financial blockage might be blocked because of some of our past life Karma that we are not aware of currently. Using Prayers Against Financial Blockages helps clear our Karma sooner, and we receive God’s mercy.

Luke 6:38, “Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”
Read More about 9 Inspirational Prayers for Hope And Faith in 2022
Prayer Points For A Financial Breakthrough With Bible Verses
“Lord, I chose not to connect with anything or anyone who affect my financial growth.”
“Father, Please Forgive me for my past, unknown sins and open the hidden door of my wealthy life.”
“Lord, Help me clear the blockages that are stopping the wealth flow in my life and make me feel a lack of money.”
“God, I am placing my financial growth in your hand and Praying you to let the river of money flow in my bank account within a week.”
“Oh Lord, Empower me, Strengthen me to work more to achieve my financial Goal this year and pay all my debt as soon a possible.”
“Lord, Don’t let anyone who wish my harm, come near me and affect my mental physical or financial health. Protect me.”
“Oh Lord, allow me to access the door of wealth and follow all the wisdom you have provided men to be a better businessman.”
The above 7 financial breakthrough prayer points can clear all the barriers between you and your wealth. You may also use some declaration and train your mind to accept your new mindset.
Along with Prayers Against Financial Blockages, these declarations will develop a new level of your belief and can give your miraculous results in a long time.
Read More about 3 Days Fasting and Prayer for Breakthrough
Prayer For A Financial Breakthrough

“Heavenly Father, My faith is more extensive than my problems and my needs, so I leave my favorite food and pray you for my financial breakthrough. Clear my path to wealthy and debt-free life and let the empty part get filled with your guidance and healing light. Amen.”
Fasting cleanses your digestive system and clears many blockages related to mental and emotional blockages. When you fast and let your senses crave their favorite food, you strengthen your mind. I don’t feel the need to remind you that Your mind has all the powers to manifest your desires.
Most importantly, when your mind is guarded by Godly wisdom and his strength, believe me, it becomes unstoppable. While fasting, you may use any of these Prayers Against Financial Blockages and abundant life.

“Dear God, Let your strength, wisdom and glory guard my mind. Let it have control over other senses and clear all the blockages affecting my financial worth. I pray you to clear all the mental, emotional, and financial blockages and help me reach the wealth I have dreamt of. Amen.”
Financial Miracle Prayer That Works Immediately

“Father the source of all the blessings in my life, I ask to Pray you to guide me to locate all the wealth source. Let the door of wealth stay open and wait for me. Let everything, and everyone who has been blocking my financial growth stay away from my life. Amen.”
You may have often heard the term “Money is nothing but Energy.” I tried to experience it and found it very much the truth. If you lack all your essentials because of less money, You need to look at your life very closely.
When I say closely, I mean that sometimes, someone or some of our past beliefs related to wealth block us from having all we desire. The best way to clear all those stoppers is to declare that you are no longer connected to that past belief.
You may use these powerful Prayers Against Financial Blockages and wrong beliefs to experience money flow.

“Dear God, Today, I put all my past beliefs that are blocking my business growth under your light and ask you to remove them permanently from my mind and heart. Eliminate and fill that empty space with your financial wisdom and let money flow in my life as I desire in my heart. Amen.”
Prayers To Saturn Against Financial Blockages

“O Shani Raja, The ruler of wealth and fame, forgive me for all my unknown sins and help me achieve my financial Goal this year. I pray you to guide me to make the right business and investment decisions and protect my money. Raja Dhiraj, Maharaj, Shanidev ki Jai.”
Astrology is one of the crucial factors in life, growth or suffering. The correct position of planets in the horoscope can turn a beggar, a king and a king into a beggar.
So if you have experienced financial challenges for a long time, you must consider checking your astrological planetary position once. Saturn, Shani is the main planet related to finance.
Using Saturn Prayers Against Financial Blockages, including some rituals, may help you get rid of your financial challenges.

” O Glorious Shani dev, I pray you to remove all my financial blockages and help me achieve financial success in business and peace in my life. I put my faith into you and promise you to follow all the rules while worshiping you. Jai Ho”
Also Read about Powerful Prayer to Destroy Witchcraft Attacks
Prayer To Cancel The Evil Plan Of The Enemy
“Heavenly Father, My savior and guide, Please protect me from our enemy who is after our financial happiness. Let your light remove all their negative energy affecting my life and help me in financial breakthrough. Amen.”

The sad part of society is that people don’t focus on their growth more than other person’s failure. The worst experience I have had is when they do rituals to block others’ happiness instead of increasing their own.
If you are growing in business and sensing jealousy and hatred around you, it’s crucial to protect yourself. In order to do that, keep your hundred per cent focus on your goal and pray to keep your enemy away from you.
You may use one of here shared Prayers Against Financial Blockages and keep your enemies away from your life.

“Lord, I pray you to protect my business and let those be at peace who are jealous of my growth and financial achievements. L et your protection shield hover over me, my family and my business Lord, Let me grow day and night under your guidance and protection. Amen.”
Financial Breakthrough Declarations
- I am a Complete Package of spiritual and Financial Glory.
- I Belong to a family with a history of creating and managing wealth.
- I am born to have an Abundant, Wealthy and Prosper life.
- I Belong to the Seed of Isaac, who is the source of Greatness.
- I Belong to a family that deserves to have all the godly and worldly explosive Financial Glory.
Read and repeat all the above declarations multiple times of the day so that your mind can understand your genuine desire and clear all the financial blockages as soon as possible.
The best way to receive financial abundance is by repeating Declarations and Prayers Against Financial Blockages. Often, I have experienced our mind guides you to clear the stopper quickly.
One of the other ways I know is fasting to clear any life blockages. Often people ask me, How do you fast and pray for a financial breakthrough. Here is what I do to get rid of any blockages with the help of fasting.
1- What is the most powerful prayer for financial breakthrough?
“Heavenly Father, I am sorry, Please forgive me for all the misuse I did with money previously. I pray you to please bless me with the financial breakthrough and business success. Accept my gratitude in advance for all the blessings I am about to receive and I love you the most, Lord, Amen.”
Final Words: I am confident that the above prayers, More than 12 prayers of wealth creation, will help you receive your financial blessings.
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Stay Healthy, Stay Blessed