7 Powerful Short Prayer Against Demonic Spirits

Last updated on September 13th, 2024 at 02:07 am

Powerful Short Prayer Against Demonic Spirits | Prayer Against Tormenting Spirits | Prayer to Remove Evil Spirits | Prayer for Evil Spirits to Leave

In a world where everything, these days, seems to be happening in negative ways, it’s challenging to protect against unhealthy spirits as well. If you know that spiritual warfare is real, this article will give you tips and prayer to protect against demonic forces.

In general, if you don’t do anything to protect yourself, your family, your home, know that your life will be naturally affected by them. Such forces are roaming everywhere and where energy is low, they easily enter and create turbulence in people’s life.

In this blog post of BigBrainCoach, I will share some powerful Prayer Against Demonic Spirits and tips to create a powerful protection shield around your family, home and self.

Prayer Against Demonic Spirits Prayer of Protection

“Heavenly Father, Let your protection light surround me and shield me from darkness. Keep me protected from the spirits that influence me negatively and make me feel unsafe in this world. Lord, Let your light remove every shadow of fear and grant me a sense of your presence always. Amen.”

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In the time where pain, negativity and fear is ruling over the world, connecting yourself to God is crucial. God doesn’t exist in the church, temple or Mosque but He exists in your heart.

Keep Praying and meditating with Him asking to keep you close to Him because when you try to do things, it may go wrong, but when you ask Him to do things, He is always right.

You may use this short Prayer Against Demonic Spirits and let God protect you from such evil energy.

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“God, I pray you to please accept my Love, prayer and all the faith I have in you and your power. Take away my fear about the evil source powering over me and let your love and power hover over me. Let my faith in you become bigger than my fears, Lord, Amen.”

Also Read about Powerful Prayers for Encouragement and Strength

Prayer for Strength Against Demonic Spirits

“Dear Lord, I pray you to please empower me with your strength and make me able to fight with the demonic source attacking me. Let my faith and love for you keep increasing day by day and your light will protect me from anything that’s unhealthy and destructive for me. In your name, I find refuge and victory Father. Amen.”

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Let me say for the first and last time, the uncertain diminishing of people during covid and other unfortunate events, spirits are roaming everywhere. They only attack mentally, emotionally weak people.

Pray for protection but at the same time, spend time in meditation and gain strength to cut the negative energy or spirits from your life. They don’t come near Godly surroundings and where God is more available than fear.

You may use this short Prayer Against Demonic Spirits and ask God to stay close to you, your home and protect your family.

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“Heavenly Father, I pray you to please forgive my karma and enhance my connection with you. Help me sit in your protection shield for more time and feel your presence around my home and family. Protect me from the demonic spirits and live peacefully under your love Lord, Amen.”

Prayer of Deliverance |  Prayer Against Demonic Spirits

“Heavenly Lord God, I pray to you to please remove any demonic spirits powering over my life. By the authority of Jesus Christ, I command to break every chain of bondage that’s attached to me. Let me, my thoughts, my emotions or any aspect of my life to be set free and under God’s love and light. Let your deliverance reign in me Father. Amen.”

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No matter what situation you are facing or what condition you are in, have courage to ask God to free you from pain or any evil bond. When you do, and believe in your prayer, God will do everything to set you free.

All you need to be aware of is not to think any single thoughts about the spirit you want to remove. Your thoughts are the bond that doesn’t free anything you want to let go. Therefore, keep using a small Prayer Against Demonic Spirits to go and keep yourself connected to God.

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“Dear Lord, My protector, Let me connect to you and stay under your thoughts and light all the time. Let the darkness go away and free me from any evil souls. Let my spirit fall so much in love with you that nothing comes in my mind than you Lord. Have mercy upon me. Amen.”

Also Read about Powerful Prayer for Strength and Protection for Family

Prayer of Faith in God Prayer Against Demonic Spirits

“Heavenly Father, I trust in your unfailing love, light and protection. I know that you will protect me from all the storms raging around me. In this adverse time of my life, strengthen me to put my whole heart and faith in you Lord. Let my mind be so clear and faith so strong that nothing can shake me even if nothing goes right in my life. Amen.”

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Do you know, God needs only our love and faith to keep us safe and out of all the trouble and give accurate guidance? He doesn’t need any material things or you to suffer to feel His presence but keep Him in your mind and heart.

If you can Love Him with all of your heart, He will never let you feel pain or loss even during your worst days. Therefore, when going through life, use a short simple yet powerful Prayer Against Demonic Spirits and do everything to enhance your faith in Him.

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“Dear Lord, my father in heaven, I have been keeping you above everything and everyone in this life. I don’t know about my sins and good deeds. All I know is that I love you and you will never let me down in front of the world. I accept everything coming in my way of life, and Pray you to please have control over me and my life. Amen.”

1- How can praying remove evil spirits from homes ?

Evil spirits are never pure and they hate cleanliness and purity. When you use prayers to get rid of them, the pure God’s love and light spread around your home and body.

When the place, your thoughts and your body is cleansed, no evil spirits can stay around the clean space.

Therefore, cleansing your home, aura and praying to god is the strongest way to get rid of evil spirits and invite peace and happiness through God’s light.

Final words: In times of evil attacks, don’t panic but keep and pray more to raise God’s light around you. Prayer or meditation is the most powerful tool to eliminate any evil spirit or cleanse the energy from surrounding.

Let your prayer be the greatest weapon against any negative power waiting to destroy your peace. Always, keep in mind that nothing is more powerful than the creators who only need your love and faith to protect you.

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