7 Powerful Catholic Prayers for Health and Wellness

Last updated on October 22nd, 2024 at 01:24 am

Your body is the temple that needs your most attention and care on a daily basis. Whether you are fit or experiencing any physical challenges, it’s crucial to say Prayers for Health and Wellness regularly.

Your health, apart from other necessities, is the most important aspect of life. Unfortunately a huge part of the population don’t even think about the food they eat or workouts they don’t do.

One of the reasons behind growing diseases is lack of physical exercises that ultimately affect mental and emotional health. There is another side of disease which only those who believe in Karma.

I am confident that you have met people who have been good people, taking care of their food, exercising yet got caught by some physical diseases. Do you know it happens because of some past life Karma?

There are many events we encounter because of past life Karma, it’s one of the reasons we must say Prayers for Health and Wellness along with other gratification prayers. In this article I will share some other powerful prayers you may use for your benefits.

Prayer for Good Health and Long Life

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“Heavenly Father, Our creator, I pray you to guide me to eat well, exercise well and have a blessed healthy life. Please help me to achieve an abundant well being and a life full of excitement and whole health. Amen.”

Have you met people who are afraid to have a lengthy life these days? I am sure you nodded in “Yes”. It’s because they are afraid of getting sick, having physical health issues and suffering.

In order to avoid suffering and make sure of having a healthy life in the old days is preparing your body to live long in better shape. In other words, start moving your body in all directions and clear your physical blockages.

Prayers along with actions make sure things happen in future so use one of these prayers for health and strength for lifetime.

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“Heavenly Father, Thank you for this beautiful life and the hunger to live a long life. I pray you to let my body stay fit as long as I can Eat, pray, walk and work. Amen.”

Prayers for Health and Strength

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“Dear God, My source of Strength, I pray to you to provide me with better health and strength to overcome the life challenges I am encountering these days. God, You are the one who is my strength and guide so let my faith enhance in the coming days and I have better health and mental strength. Amen.”

Imbalance in physical health, In the long run, sucks mental and emotional strength as well. Yes, it’s all connected, mind body spirit so in order to have a complete health and strength, physical exercises are crucial.

No matter what part of your body isn’t well, you must make it a habit to practice some exercises on a daily basis. Do not depend upon medics completely as It heals you with a price beside the money you paid for it.

Along with simple and easy exercises, use some prayers for health and strength, it will give you courage to keep going and have faith in God.

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“Lord, My savior, Praying you has always strengthened me mentally and emotionally. Due to this physical illness, I am losing all of my strength. I pray you to please strengthen me again so that I can live a healthy and courageous life ahead. Amen.”

Prayers for Health and Healing

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“Lord God, I don’t even know since when I am caring this pain inside my heart. Now it’s affecting my body and I am unable to drop it. Heel me and guide me to rejuvenate my mind, body and soul in the correct manner. Amen.”

We all are carrying hell of pain and misery since so many births, I call it Karma. Yes, there is a lot of pain that is without any reason and it needs to be healed. You, reading this article, means you need to heal yourself in some ways.

Using some Prayers for Health and Wellness can help you recognize and heal those unresolved issues that come in the form of physical pain. It’s crucial to heal as if unhealed it goes deeper and stays longer, sometimes, Lifetime.

In order to heal, you need to be more conscious and heal yourself by taking care of Karma as well as intention.

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“Heavenly Father, I am suffering from the pain. I even don’t know the cause of it. Please forgive me for anything wrong I did in the past or this life and heal me by taking my pain away. I pray you to please help me Heal my past present and move on in the future with better health and happiness. Amen.”

Prayer for Health and Protection

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“Dear Lord, I am thankful for the life, luxury and happiness I live in everyday. I pray you will let it remain, in fact grow more in future. Provide me health and protection to my health and happiness Lord, Amen.”

Health isn’t damaged by junk or lack of exercises only but sometimes it is because of the energy you live around. In order to protect your well being, you must choose your surroundings very consciously.

Negative energies not only affect your mood but if you don’t protect yourself it can affect your health and entire life as well. There are many ways to protect yourself from unhealthy energy but prayers are one of the easy and effective ones.

You may use the most connecting Prayers for Health and Wellness you read in this article.

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“Lord God, Accept my THANK YOU for always being around me and guiding me throughout life. Today, I pray you to please help me eliminate harmful energy around me and protect me everyday. Guide me to surround myself with good people and energy under protection shield Lord, Amen.”

Also Read about Powerful Prayer to Guardian Angel for Help

Prayer for Health and Wellness for a Friend

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“God, I pray for you to help my friend who isn’t well and needs my prayers and your kindness. Forgive him if he has done anything wrong, Guide Him protect him and heal him Lord. Let me friend receive your healing energy and get well soon Lord, Amen.”

A True friend is one of the most valuable assets and best healer in the world. If you have someone , you are the luckiest one as it’s hard to find a trustworthy and true friend these days when everyone is using others.

If your friend is going through something and you find yourself helpless, it’s time to do the best for them. The best thing you can do for your friend is to pray for them and let God Himself heal him.

Using some powerful Prayers for Health and Wellness can heal them magically. The way you can’t even imagine.

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“Heavenly Father, You have been my source of strength and always got Healed when surrendered to you. Today, I pray you to please heal and give g=hope to someone I love and care for. My friend needs you Lord, Please heal and make him feel safe and better. Amen.”

Prayer for Good Health and Protection for Family

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“Heavenly Father, My protector, Thank you for always keeping us safe, healthy and happy. I pray you will keep my family safe and provide everyone with good health and peace of mind. Amen.”

Undoubtedly, Family is the most important to everyone and it should be. Worrying about their health and overall wellness sometimes can take away your happiness and peace. Therefore, it is crucial to allow God to do that for you.

As, God Himself says that give your worry to me and live your life, finish your other duties, I will keep them safe. So, why not give your worries and concerns to Him and let Him take care of your worries.

Here, In this article I am sharing these Prayers for Health and Wellness of your family, you may use them to talk to God and feel free from worries.

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“Dear God my savior, I pray for you to take care of the wellness of those I love the most and care for. Please take my worries for them and strengthen me to move on with my daily routine believing that you are there for my family. My faith is in you Lord, Let it grow constantly. Amen.”

Also Read about Godly Good Morning Quotes and Images

Prayer of Encouragement and Strength

“Heavenly father, I thank you for this body, my life and health. As I intend to have better health, better life, please help to find my strength and encouragement. Let your guiding light take me to the level that helps improve my physical health. Amen.”

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Mental strength and physical health are correlated and they both affect each other. If you work upon your physical body, it slowly has a n effect on your mental strength.

When you maintain a positive and strong mindset to follow your schedule strictly, it pushes you to do the physical work that’s needed.

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“Lord, I pray for you to encourage and help me have a better and stronger mind, body and soul connection. Guide me to shape my metal physical and emotional health easily in your guidance. Amen.”

1- Who to pray for for health?

The most effective prayer for better health can be offered to the patron saint of healing, Saint Raphael the Archangel. In Hebrew the name means , “God heals” so praying to Him means receiving healing energy.

Also, you may find Raphael in the Old Testament Book of Tobit. In the old testament book He is revealed as a healer of mind, body and spirit. By praying to Him, You can invoke His powerful intercession in our own life.

2- How can I bless my body?

Your body is a temple, it needs to be worshiped like heaven. In order to bless your body, eat healthy, drink a lot of water and cleanse it with salt water from time to time.

In addition, practice either reiki or any other healing methods that allow you to touch and express your gratitude to your body. If you can not do it, simply touching your organs and saying thank you to it for your physical health will do magic.

Final Words: Health is the most valuable thing everyone requires in order to live happily. Be it your friends, family or someone else, seeing them in pain always affect your mood and we become weak emotionally.

In order to stay strong, take care of them and yourself, the best way is to use some Prayers for Health and Wellness and allow God to help you stay strong. You may prepare your own prayer script or use of my shared one and feel emotionally healthy.

If you found this article helpful and worth reading, share it with your friends, family or someone whom it might help. Also, don’t forget to bookmark this page for informative articles like “Prayers for Health and Wellness” for instant access in the future.

Stay Healthy, Stay Blessed

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Namaste. I am a Reiki Grand Master and spiritual counselor who passionately guides individuals toward a stress-free life. With a profound commitment to holistic well-being, I integrate my expertise in Reiki and prayers with spiritual guidance to help clients achieve balance and tranquility. Outside of my professional life, I am an avid traveler, exploring new places and cultures, which further enriches my perspective and enhances my ability to connect with people from diverse backgrounds.

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