7 Effective Soul Cleansing Rituals – BigBrainCoach

Last updated on August 26th, 2024 at 11:22 am

Soul Cleansing Rituals | Cleansing Ritual for Self | How to Do A Spiritual Cleansing | Soul Cleansing Meaning Spiritual Cleanse Meaning | How to Cleanse Your Soul | Cleansing Ritual for Self

In today’s fast moving life, feeling tired and burdened has become a normal human condition. In order to feel better, we do body detox and mind detox. Very few know it’s crucial to do soul detox from time to time.

It’s healthy to disconnect from everything, spend time to yourself, cleanse and de-burden your soul to feel refreshed. Do you know all the burdens you feel on your body or mind affect your soul heavily?

Cleansing your spirit once in a while will make you feel reborn. It will make you hungry to live, love and laugh more. In this blog post of BigBrainCoach, I will share some effective Soul Cleansing Rituals. I will also explain its importance and benefits for your mind, body and life. to help you become more energetic and light inside out.

Let’s understand the true meaning and the importance of soul cleansing.

Soul Cleansing and Importance of Souls Cleansing Rituals

In simple terms, soul cleansing is a holistic way to eliminate negative energy from your mind, body and soul. It is an approach that helps you let go of everything. You release every emotion and thought that burdens you or weighs you down.

In other words, it’s a try of spiritual detox. It allows your true self to clean and feel its original essence. In order to live your true self, and move towards your soul purpose it’s crucial to live your authentic self.

Soul cleansing process helps you feel alive, healthy and energetic to live your best version. Therefore it’s crucial for you to practice it once in a while. Unlike your physical health, your spirit too needs to feel rejuvenated.

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The Benefits of Soul Cleansing Rituals

  • The heaviness you carry is a burden of stored, unhealthy emotions. Practicing detox trials Heals your emotions and makes you feel lighter and better.
  • Cleansing eliminates all the junk running and stored in our mind. Which ultimately gives mental clarity and takes you in the right direction.
  • Mental clarity gives the right direction but soul cleansing helps in clearing the spiritual path as well. When you walk on a clear road the journey becomes smoother and easy.
  • When you are clear about your life path and have mental clarity, the relationship becomes beautiful as expectations end. Soul cleansing rituals make you feel full of love, peace and happiness.

Soul Cleansing Rituals to Incorporate into Your Life

1- Meditation

When it comes to mental cleansing or spiritual cleansing, meditation is the most effective way to do it. Meditation not only gives clarity about mind, body, and soul. It also clears your life by giving you wisdom about it.

You might be wondering about it as we are talking about Soul Cleansing Rituals then how meditation fits into? Well, take it as a ritual. Practice for 21 days, 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes in the evening. You will understand why it’s considered a ritual.

Also, the soul can not be seen with this physical eye so no physical activity can clean it. Therefore you have to do something that touches your soul and clean it which meditation does.

Select any chakra balancing or their eye guided meditation and practice for a few weeks regularly.

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2- Practicing Silence

Silence is another way to clean your soul and gain wisdom and clarity about life. When it comes to silence I am not talking about word silence but I am talking about mental silence.

In order to practice mental silence, make sure to not think, write, read, or listen to any music or teaching. You may go to vipassana and attend their 10 days course to experience the silence effect.

Silence is a powerful Soul Cleansing Ritual. You can experience it by detaching yourself from the world for a few days. If you can’t detach from the world, detach from technology and your own thoughts.

3- Smudging

Many times we unconsciously get attached to negative people, their thoughts which might be negative or energy draining. It’s crucial for you to do some rituals to disconnect on a physical level to connect to your core.

Smudging is a great way to clear the outer atmosphere and go deeper into yourself. Connection from the outer world is like a mud that can pull you into it.

Smudging your body and home is one of the Soul Cleansing Rituals. It gives you a clean atmosphere to practice meditation. Although its physical activity, yet it’s supper supporting for spiritual journey.

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4- Breathwork and Intentions

Breath work is giving miraculous results to those who are practicing it regularly. It clears the energy pathways in your physical body. When the physical body is clean, the energy body automatically gets cleansed.

When the physical and energy body is clear the spiritual journey becomes smoother and you become magnet to universal messages. Conscious breathing is one of the Soul Cleansing Rituals that eliminates all the emotions, mental and physical junk.

Invest at least 15 to 20 minutes in the morning. Practice any pranayam such as Nadhi Shodhan or anulom vilom. Breath works take you to the core of you and give you an amazing experience of different dimensions.

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5- Nature Walks or Trekking

Walking is one of the most suggested activities by doctors these days. However walking does not only help you feel refreshed and stay healthy but it cleanses your soul as well.

Make sure to walk for at least 40 minutes in the morning and at the same time in the evening. If this is not possible for you, go trekking on weekends. In other words, adjust your time but spend time walking and cleansing yourself into nature.

Plants have been a great healer one or another way since ancient times. Spending time around them is one of the effective Soul Cleansing Rituals you will ever experience.

6- Energy Healing Reiki

Energy healing practices such as Reiki, Pranik, or chakra balancing help in eliminating mental negativity from you. These practices also eliminate emotional negativity. From my experience I can say, It heals you faster than any other practices.

Clearing all the energy blocks is the core intention of Soul Cleansing Rituals. They also aim to make you free from pain and any barriers. Reiki also promotes overall well-being by making you live in the present.

Cleansing yourself everyday keeps you focused on what’s important for your life purpose. In addition, if you are not clear about your purpose of being, reiki guides you towards it organically.

7- Affirmations with Intensity

Affirmation has become one of the most popular ways to recondition the subconscious mind these days. However, for most people it’s just repetition of the words.

If you want to really let the affirmation work for you, mix your emotions into your words. In other words, increase the intensity of your affirmation by feeling it happening in the present moment.

Affirmation is also one of the effective Soul Cleansing Rituals if you do it in the right way. Right way doesn’t mean sitting and affirming but it means getting involved whenever you are affirming.

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Effective Steps for Soul Cleansing Ritual

Soul cleansing is a very personal thing that requires your personal attention and care. Create a space where you connect to your inner self. Here are some Preparations to help you develop a place for you.

  • First and foremost be very clear in your intention about the emotions, memories and pain you want to let go. Also, what you want to achieve in life.
  • Select any of the above Soul Cleansing Rituals or activities. Choose those you feel comfortable with. Make sure you are willing to invest at least half an hour in these activities on a regular basis.
  • Find a quiet space, clean it, make it comfortable so that you can practice your rituals. Burn incense and cleanse the place to make it more sacred. Add some plants, or crystals to create the high energy.
  • Make sure to be regular in your practice. Otherwise, you won’t get the desired results on time. Regular practice might also motivate you.
  • Once in a while sit with yourself, analyze your growth and see what’s working and what’s not. Eliminate or make changes if it is required for your growth.

1- What is the ritual to remove negativity?

Removing negativity from your mind and home is crucial. Negative thoughts and energies block your oath. They distract you from your true path. In order to eliminate negative energy, burs sage or palo santo once in a week.

Also, burning incense or Diya with pure cow ghee is a great way to clear your atmosphere and mental blocks. Before practicing any of the Soul Cleansing Rituals, set the right intention. The universe can then guide you by sending you the right message.

2- Which mantra removes negativity?

When it comes to negativity removing Mantra, Shree Ganesh is known as the Vidhna Vinashak. This means Lord of the removal of the obstacles.

Chanting the Ganesh Mantra which is “OM GAN GAN PATAYE NAMAH” can give you an amazing experience. It will clear all the blocks from your way and give you a peaceful and smooth day.

Final words: It’s crucial to have a clean and clear atmosphere along with mind and soul. A messy world, inside out can’t give you a peaceful life or take you where you actually belong to.

You don’t have to practice all together. Practicing with anyone on a regular basis will surely take you on the right path. It will provide you with peace and clarity.

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Stay Healthy, Stay Blessed

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Namaste. I am a Reiki Grand Master and spiritual counselor who passionately guides individuals toward a stress-free life. With a profound commitment to holistic well-being, I integrate my expertise in Reiki and prayers with spiritual guidance to help clients achieve balance and tranquility. Outside of my professional life, I am an avid traveler, exploring new places and cultures, which further enriches my perspective and enhances my ability to connect with people from diverse backgrounds.