11+ Miracle Prayer For Hopeless Situations | BigBrainCoach

Last updated on November 28th, 2023 at 06:45 am

Troubles, Uninvited guests who make the situation hopeless and blind us to any sign of light. Sometimes we get so lost that we stop wishing for anything and crave for the end of life. It’s the point where God wants us to go closer to him and offer Prayer for hopeless situations.

It’s the only time when anyone can experience His miracles with open eyes. Surprisingly, When we lose everything, then only we experience his presence.

In this article of BigBrainCoach, I will share my experimented and effective, powerful Prayer for hopeless situations that helped so that it will guide you too.

Also, I will share the wisdom that I have received through hard times. I am sure it will help you to increase your faith in The supreme and keep going. Here is a prayer you can use to ease your situation and think clearly.

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“Dear Lord, Bless me with a ray of light so that I can think, see and believe in the Ray of hope. Forgive me for losing my hope and remove the blindness that has covered my senses. I have always put you first on top of my loved one, don’t let me down and lift me. Amen.”

Don’t just chant these words but feel them in your heart and let the magic happen.
Prayer becomes more powerful when you mix your essence of emotions into it. So before we see more Prayer for hopeless situations, let’s see how to pray when events are going against you constantly.

I can understand that these painful and not favorable situations leave us no hope in the future, but I believe that Prayer has power over everything. Therefore, it’s crucial to pray appropriately in order to change the situation.

Let’s see. How do you pray for hopelessness?

Also Read about 7 Signs of God is Watching Over You 

Tips to Pray For Hopeless Situations Effectively

Here is another prayer for hopeless situations I had used when I was facing darkness.

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“Lord God, Please forgive me for my ignorance and the Mistakes I made in the past. I accept that I lose my path many a time, but my heart is full of faith in you, so I return to you. Accept my apology, Love for you, and guide me towards the light. Amen.”

If the mind is trapped in hopeless circumstances, it’s not easy to see beyond the circumstances. However, just like you are reading this article, one forceful step has the power to show you light.

Do you know the most powerful gift God has presented you is your heart? Pure heart and Intention can force not only other people but God too.

While doing Prayer for hopeless situations, let your heart open before him. Surrender yourself as if you don’t have anyone else than Him and become No one.

Trust me; My experience says, When we become no one in front of him and seek his blessing, He makes us someone we could never Imagine.

Bible Verses For Hopelessness Situations

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 “Do not fear as I am always with you. Do not get discouraged as I am your Father. I will provide you strength, courage, Patience and lift your spirit. I will hold you and will never let you down.”

Reading the Bible has been one of my most lovable activities as I must be attracted to short phrases. Phrases such as “When God is with me, Who can be Against Me” has become my Mantra, I chant daily.

Here are Bible Verses that helped me cope with the hopeless situation when I fell apart and lost my faith.

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“Give me all of your worries and let me handle your situations; you just stay loyal and have faith in me Because I am the one who cares for you the most.”

I love using them in my own words as I feel more comfortable and strongly connected with God.

“Have faith in me wholeheartedly and surrender to me; I will enlighten your path and won’t let darkness come in your way.”

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These words are so original and have power over me that I feel it’s the Supreme who is talking to me. These words never let me expect anything but from the Creator only.

If you can use these words to empower yourself with a bling Faith, All of your worries will surely disappear.

Also Read about Powerful Prayers Against Financial Blockages

Novena To St Jude/ Powerful Prayer For Hopeless Situations

One of the most influential and resulting in instant Prayer For Hopeless Situations is Novena Prayers. It’s a scheduled prayer to Gods most beloved saints that you need to pray for every hour for consecutive 9 hours in a day.

If you experience that your prayers are not easing you, try to connect those saints who are, were closest to Jesus. They are medium, and praying to medium also results in miraculously.

Here are some St. Jude Novena Prayer For Hopeless Situations you can use to bring peace in turbulence and change the situations.

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“O Beloved Heart of Jesus, I pray to you to grant me strength to stay calm in these hopeless situations. I pray to God with you and other saints; please enlighten my path and provide me with the courage to hold onto faith in God forever. Amen.”

Catholic Prayer When Feeling Hopeless and Lost

When feeling lost on life path and no light is around, Remembering God and Prayer For Hopeless Situations to St Jude invites new dawn. However, Prayer, along with your forced feeling of being firm, works wonderfully together.

St Jude is the one whose world recognize as the saint of strength. Asking to enlighten the path ahead helps in moving forward while the path seems the end.

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“O Sacred and loving spirit, I confess that I am incapable of holding myself in the situation I am stuck in. Therefore, accept my Prayer, show your mercy and light a candle of hope in my path. Allow my soul to believe in my journey, hope for the best and stay united to God. Amen.”

St. Jude Prayer For Desperate Times/Hopeless Situations

There is no doubt that hard times are unimaginable painful, but from my experience, I can say that These are also a time when you learn something that good days can teach.

The only lifeline to pass painful, hopeless situations is praying and seeking mercy from various divine sources with complete faith in your Prayer.

Sometimes, Offering more Prayer to show your surrender and humble\ heart does the miracle you can never expect.

Here is a Powerful prayer for hopeless situation to St Jude, you can use to invite miracle in your life. But, make sure to stay careful about your offering and fulfil it on time.

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“O holy St. Jude, strength provider and Faithfull soul of God! Help me change my Painful events and give me some hope of better days. My heart is aching, and my soul is dying, change my desperate situation and save me from pain. I will always be grateful and perform Novena for three days in order to show you my gratefulness for changing my life. Amen.”

Short Prayer For Stability In Hopeless Situations

One can do the best thing on the worst days is to stay calm and allow the storm to pass. Sometimes waiting can be challenging and painful, but, Believe me, in the end, it will be worth it.

While going through rough days, I learned that I had lost all my strength, courage, and Patience while dealing with the outer world. I found my disconnection from self-invited all the disaster to me, and I became valuable.

I realized that they were the days when I needed God to enlighten me and help me develop the connection to my core as I had earlier, and it helped me a lot.

Here is a prayer that may help you to invite all that you need in this hour.

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“Dear Father, I confess before you for walking on the wrong path and losing connection to my core and you. I am weaker to regain those blessing you had given me. Please provide me with the energy and Patience to build that relationship again and return under your guidance. Amen.”

Also Read about Soulful Short Prayers For New Beginnings in Life


1- What is a good prayer to say when you’re scared?

Being scared is a prevailing feeling when everything goes against your plan. However, fear needs to be removed from the storage of your feeling box as it invites many uncurbable diseases in the Long run.

When you are worried about the unknown or when Anxiety shadows your path, These Prayer for Hopeless situations and removing fear can guide you towards the light.

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“Dear God, I know I am your beloved child whom you have always been protecting, as I have felt it in my heart. Today, when I feel tired and scared of the unknown, I ask you to hover over me for extra protection. I surrender all of my worries and myself so that you can use me and guide me for the better. Amen.”

2- What Prayer can I say for a miracle?

Miracle requires your blind faith in Lord and yourself, too, as Miracle only happens to those who feel worthy and the power of the source of the miracle.

In order to invite magical moments in your life, prepare yourself by believing in Happening and experiencing the natural reaction in your gut.

Asking God to provide your desire and believing that it has already happened is more powerful than waiting for it to happen.

Here is a statement you can use to invite magical moments in your future.

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“Dear God, I am humbly grateful for all of the glory, wisdom and happiness you presented to me in the past without me asking for it. I always feel extra blessed as you have granted me everything I needed. Today, I am asking you to grant me access(Your desire) to feel and live it. Thank you again, my Lord, In the name of Jesus, Amen.”

3- How do you deal with hopeless situations?

For me, Hopeless situations are opportunities to walk a little close to God who created us. But, unfortunately, We are lost in the material world and forgot him who has been with us more than anyone in the world.

On my worst days, I like Offering more Prayer for hopeless situations and meditating with the divine as much as I can.

Meditating Helps me gaining more strength to stay calm and faithful towards a better future.

Related: My Life Sucks: 7 Ways to Regain Control and Create Miracles

4- What God says about worry and Anxiety?

God say that “Neither Anxiety, depression nor excitements are changeless. Nothing is permanent in this world, so why consider the above feeling continual and stay unhappy.

Be happy and graceful in every phase of your life as you are my Loving child, and let me take care of all your worries and problems in the first place.

5- How do I give God Anxiety?

Well, The truth is nothing is yours, neither happiness nor Anxiety. So then, why get attached to these feelings or situation?

The best way to give all of your negative feelings and situation to God is to surrender and ask him to protect you.

Believing that you are his Beloved child, whether you acted like that or not, is the only way to surrender successfully and live peacefully.

Final Words: Prayer is, undoubtedly, one of the sacred and powerful ways to invite happiness in life. However, God wants you to make some lifestyle changes and perform Prayer for hopeless situations to bring the change As soon as possible.

I pray for your eternal happiness and ask God to offer you more peace, Love, Power and strength to live a better life. Amen.

Stay Strong, Stay Blessed

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Namaste. I am a Reiki Grand Master and spiritual counselor who passionately guides individuals toward a stress-free life. With a profound commitment to holistic well-being, I integrate my expertise in Reiki and prayers with spiritual guidance to help clients achieve balance and tranquility. Outside of my professional life, I am an avid traveler, exploring new places and cultures, which further enriches my perspective and enhances my ability to connect with people from diverse backgrounds.