7 Yoga for Shoulder Impingement and Rotator Cuff- BigBrainCoach

Last updated on June 17th, 2023 at 07:59 am

Are you looking for easy and effective exercises or Yoga for shoulder impingement? If you are experiencing pain or stiffness in your arms, Know that your shoulders are asking for your attention.

Hands are the body parts that are used most in our daily activities. One wrong movement or overload can damage your joints or shoulders. Often people ignore mild shoulder pain, and gradually the pain becomes severe chronic.

Its always recommended to do some exercise or Yoga to keep your bode free, flexible and healthy. If you need to cure your shoulder pain and wonder how to relieve shoulder impingement with Yoga, This article is for you.

In this article for bigbraincoach, I will share the most effective shoulder impingement exercises and Yoga for shoulder impingement.

Before we go to the main topic, Yoga for shoulder impingement, Let’s see what shoulder impingement and its causes is.

Meaning of Shoulder Impingement

Shoulder impingement doesn’t necessarily mean any external wound, but it means any kind of pain in your shoulders. It also means stiffed or frozen muscles that feel painful to move.

Shoulder impingement happens when the top outer edge of your shoulder blade pinches your rotator cuff beneath it and causes pain and irritation.

When the rotator cuff irritates, it gets swelling, and if it does not get treatment on time, it starts affecting the bone negatively.

In most cases, a few specific exercises and a few Yoga for shoulder impingement helps overcome the pain. However, It is advised that before practicing any activity, consult your physician first.

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Let’s see, what are the leading cause of shoulder impingement?

Causes Of Shoulder Impingement

  •  Overuse or repetitive use of your shoulders, injury, age factors, or your tendon is torn or swollen.
  • As mentioned above, irritation in your rotator cuff is due to constant rubbing.
  • If someone has been in this way since birth.
  • Yoga is one of the most effective home remedies or exercises that help bring balance back to your body. However, is it advised to practice under a trained coach if you are new to Yoga.

A few specific Yoga for the neck and shoulders can ease your pain and cure the shoulder impingement if practiced daily.

Now let’s see the most effective and easy Yoga for shoulder impingement that can be practiced at home.

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7 Yoga for Shoulder Impingement

#1 Tadasana Variations

Tadasana is one of the most accessible yoga postures but is mainly overlooked. There are a few variations in Tadasana that can help shoulder impingement.

#A Stand straight and slowly, take both hands back, palm facing forward. Now start rotating your hands inside. Make sure you rotate from your shoulders, not your palm. Continue as much as you feel comfortable.

#B Stand in Tadasana posture, bring your both the hands front upto shoulders. Keep your palm facing downward and hands straight, maintaining distance between both hands.

Start rotating your hands from the shoulders. Let your palm rotate inside out, make sure the pressure feels on the shoulders, not arms. Keep doing as much time as you can efficiently.

#2 Creeping Urdhva Hastasana

Stand straight in front of a wall and place your palms on the wall. Put the of your body weight on your hands. Keep The distance between the wall according to your weight strength.

Start your fingers walking on the upside of the wall. As your fingers move upward, your body gets closer to the wall. Move your fingers as high as you can, and then stay there for a few seconds.

Keep your breathing normal and feel the stretch on your shoulder joints. Creeping Urdhva Hastasana is a Yoga for shoulder impingement that helps release pain and make you feel relaxed.

#3 Garudasana Arms

Garudasana is one of the yoga therapy exercises for shoulder impingement pain by opening the back and shoulders. Often any injury tightens the muscles around the injured area.

If not opened on time, those tight areas are the reason for pain and stiffness blocking the regular blood circulation. Garudasana Arms opens the muscles and regulate the blood circulation that making a healing more accessible and faster.

To do the Garudasana yoga for shoulder impingement, stand straight and bring your hands together, entangling each other. Bring your right elbow under the left one and wrap your hands together.

Stay in the position for 10 to 15 seconds and feel the stretching in your shoulders. Slowly come back to the standing position, bring your hands back, relax and repeat using another hand.

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#4 Gomukhasana Arms

Gomukhasana Arms is one of the most influential and popular Yoga for shoulder impingement and Rotator Cuff. However, it’s prohibited during the injury period. Practice it for the better health of shoulders.

If you find Gomukhasana posture hard in the initial days, you may use a strip to make it simpler. In order to practice, Gomukhasana, sit in vajrasana, or you may stand in tadansa and take your left hand back, keeping your palm behind the head.

Take your right hand up and, folding from the elbow, let it hold the left hand behind the head. (Hold the strap if you find it challenging to use your hands for the initial days.

Keep your breathing normal and stay there as long as you can, or 10 to 15 seconds and bring yourself in a normal position. You may repeat it to two-three times daily.

#5 Ardha Adhomukha Svanasana

Adhomukh Shavasana is one of the weight-bearing poses where you put all of your body on your shoulders and legs. If you already have an injury in your shoulder, Ardha Adhomukh Shavasana will help you get its full benefit.

In order to practice Ardha Adhomkukh Shavasana, sit on a chair or take the help of your window.

Stand straight, spread your legs and come to the posture of Adhomukha Svanasana from the legs. Now move forward and place your hands on the windows so that you feel less body weight on your shoulders.

Feel the stretch in your arms and pressure on your legs, stay there for 10 to 15 minutes and stand back to normal position. Ardha Adho Mukha Svanasana in of the Yoga, everyone must practice daily for many health benefits.

#6 Cat And Cow Pose

Cow Pose is another very effective yoga for shoulder impingement. It helps strengthen the shoulders and knees as well. It also helps balance your body weight using hands and legs.

While practicing Cow Pose, make sure your palms are appropriately placed on the mat, and it’s in a straight row to shoulders.

In order to practice this yoga posture, come to the cat pose and move back and look at your legs for the cat pose. While moving forwards for cow pose, keep your seat, head up and look forward.

It’s one of the yoga exercises for shoulder impingement that can help you recover pain and open the joints for more flexibility.

#7 Prayer Pose

One of the most straightforward and easily accessible Yoga for or shoulder impingement is the Prayer pose. Easy doesn’t mean less effective, but I mean that it can be practiced anywhere, anytime.

Prayer Pose opens your heart and allows the healing energy to flow in every part of your body. When you practice Prayer pose yoga for shoulder pain, it releases the pain and opens the shoulders.

In order to perform a prayer pose, stand in Tadasana and bring both the palms in front of your heart. Join the palms together and put a bit extra pressure against each other.

Feel the pressure on your shoulders, keep your breath regular, stand in the same position for 10 to 15 seconds, and come back to the Tadasaa pose.

Relax for a few seconds and repeat the pose. You may practice this pose as much as t time you can.

Also Read about Correct Way to Perform Prayer Pose

A Part form these Yoga stretches for shoulder impingement; a few simple exercises may help you strengthen your shoulders and release the pain.

Shoulder Impingement Exercises and Stretches

It’s crucial to get a physician’s opinion to understand your situation before practicing any yoga or exercises at home.

Here are some possible recommendations they may ask you to practice at home.

  •  Stand in front of a wall or door, place your affected hand on the door. Make sure to put it a little down from your shoulder height. Now move your upper body away from the wall and feel the stretch.
  • In order to fix the shoulder blade or release the pain and open the shoulders, Stand straight, keep your arms straight at the side palm facing front.
  • Slowly squeeze your shoulder together back and hold for 10 to 15 seconds. After that stop, Bring your hands back in Tadasana, and relax for a few seconds.

You may repeat the process four to five times. It’s one of the most effective stretches for shoulder blade pain.

You may practice either Yoga for shoulder impingement or any above exercises to release pain.


#1 What exercises should you avoid with shoulder impingement?

If you are recovering from shoulder impingement, you must avoid activities that include many uses of your shoulders. Activities such as playing tennis, swimming, basketballs, weight lifting are advised to avoid.

Also, You must not practice any yoga or other exercise that pressures your shoulders.

#2 Can you massage shoulder impingement?

Shoulder impingement often results in swelling around the neck and shoulders. If the swelling stays longer, it makes the muscles stiff and causes blood clots.

Apart from above Yoga for shoulder impingement, Massage therapy may help reduce swelling and stop blood clots. However, the massager must be trained.

It’s crucial to put proper pressure on the shoulder, so it’s not recommended to do it at home without consulting a physician.

Final Words: If you are also searching for How do I stop shoulder impingement in Yoga? I am sure you found at least one of the Any of the above Yoga for shoulder impingement.

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Stay Healthy, Stay Blessed

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Namaste. I am a Reiki Grand Master and spiritual counselor who passionately guides individuals toward a stress-free life. With a profound commitment to holistic well-being, I integrate my expertise in Reiki and prayers with spiritual guidance to help clients achieve balance and tranquility. Outside of my professional life, I am an avid traveler, exploring new places and cultures, which further enriches my perspective and enhances my ability to connect with people from diverse backgrounds.