17 Inspirational Spiritual Passages on Love Healing and Maturity- BigBrainCoach

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Living awakened life and the following spirituality is the new trend around the world. Willing or unwillingly, life is forcing the planet to understand it more profoundly. If you are someone struggling with the awakening process, spiritual passages will help to understand the process clearly. Awakening has been happening since ancient days; however, these days, … Read more

Top 6 Meditation Scented Candles for Improving Spiritual Practices

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Meditation, a sacred act every other person is trying to do effectively. However, they get distracted by no one but their own mind. There are many tools such as crystals or meditation scented candles that help sit for a longer time. Meditation mainly requires and strong decision to sit for a longer time; however, using … Read more

What is Universal Life Force Energy and How to Access It- BigBrainCoach

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Have you ever thought that there is something more essential than food, shelter, and clothes in life? Most humans are fighting for the basic need of life- Food, shelter, and clothes. However, the most avoided essential is universal life force energy that allows us to breathe and stay alive. In other words, Prana, which we … Read more

Top 10 Spiritual Documentaries on Netflix You Must Watch in 2023

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While the planet is experiencing a significant energy shift and mass awakening, many questions are arising. People are questioning about happening around them and trying to search for the accurate answer. There are many spiritual documentaries and Spiritual Films available that may guide you to find your answer. These movies may not answer you straight … Read more

How to Ascend From 3D to 5D Consciousness | Highest Consciousness

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Consciousness, including the human mind and Natures, all together is shifting to another level in 2021. The shift often occurs with the search for the hidden truth about life or planets. However, this shift, 5d Consciousness, is happening because of a massive change in the planetary system. A shift happening from3 d or three dimensions … Read more

Amputation Dream Meanings | Dream Dictionary Amputation-BigBrainCoach

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Have you ever experienced losing your leg, hand, or any other body parts in your dream and woke up terrified? Such amputation dream has a special message that requires your attention to understand. Dreams are often a sign from the universe or a message for your subconscious mind. Often they seem scary, and finding the … Read more

Know How to Plant A Bamboo Plant in Soil, Water and Planters

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Tired of trying to save your lovely charm “Lucky Bamboo” but failing repeatedly? Maybe you are planting it in the wrong way or not providing the right environment. Or maybe you are looking to expand your indoor collection and wondering how to plant a bamboo plant in water or soil? In this article of bigbraincoach, … Read more

11+ Encouraging Bible Verses On Clarity Of Mind, Direction And Relationship

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Life is easy if one has clarity in mind and wisdom about his purpose. No matter how wise you are, life keeps testing your understanding from time to time. Understanding the deeper meaning of Bible Verses On Clarity will help you decide promptly when you are in doubt. We all often find ourselves puzzled about … Read more

Biblical Meaning Of Tornado Dreams And Dreams About Whirlwinds

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Dreams, Some say it’s only the reflection of our thoughts, others believe its sign of future happening. Different communities and religions have different Interpretations of Various Dreams. I found the Biblical Meaning of Tornado dreams something uncommon and thought-provoking. In this article of BigBrainCoach, I will expose every hidden message and meaning of Tornado Dreams. … Read more

Mass Meditation: 7 Reasons You Must Contribute in The Global Cause

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Do you know Meditation is the most powerful tool to spread positivity not only around you but upon the entire planet? Wondering How? Well, Mass Meditation is one of the known and popular ways. In This article of BigBrainCoach, you will explore mass Meditation, how it works, and how to participate in it. The changing … Read more