Signs of Psychic Attacks and Easy Ways to Protect Yourself – BigBrainCoach

psychic attacks

Are you tired of trying several protection methods but still facing psychic attacks? Looking for the answers for how to protect yourself from psychic attacks or how to block psychic attacks? Well, Being an empathetic person, I have suffered a lot from psychic attacks. Even after attaining Master-ship in Reiki, I was very much affected … Read more

9 Easiest and Most Effective Meditation for Psychic Abilities

Are you among those who aspire to develop their psychic ability or already possess one and desire to mature it? I am assuming an answer as a big “Yes.” The best way to fulfill your passion is by practicing guided Meditation for psychic abilities. First of all, Welcome to the community of mediums participating in … Read more

Open Eye Meditation | 3 Easiest Ways to Open Your Third Eye

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Are you someone who has the desire to strengthen your Meditation or upgrade your consciousness? Many of my clients desperately want to enhance their health, wealth, and lifestyle but cannot meditate. Let me tell you, Opening third Eye activates hidden Psychic Abilities which can transform your life.  Well, If you are one of them who … Read more

7 Psychic Abilities Symptoms | How to Tell If Someone is Psychic

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Are you looking to explore if you possess any Psychic Abilities Symptoms? Well, I can assure you, You are going to recognize many of your Mystic abilities today. Being a spiritual Healer, I know that In most cases, Psychic Abilities Symptoms are there since childhood. However, Lack of knowledge or ignorance doesn’t help to understand … Read more

Dr. Joe Dispenza Meditation Challenge in 2023 – BigBrainCoach

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Are you striving to uncover Psychic abilities, life’s mission or looking for fast resulting guided meditations to balance your chakra? Or, if you are a beginner and desiring to have some magical experience of meditation, Try Dr Joe Dispenza meditation. Wondering why I am recommending only him? Well, I have been practicing meditation for the … Read more

Prayer vs Meditation: Similarity, Differences and Importance

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Recently I visited a temple and saw a few people talking about their praying technique. After listening to them, I decided to dig deeper into prayer vs meditation. The intention behind writing this article is to spread awareness that meditation and prayer are two different things. Before jumping to the main topic, let’s see the … Read more

Dzogchen Meditation: One of The Greatest Way to Train Your Mind

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Dzogchen meditation is generally known as Atiyoga. It is Indo-Tibetan Buddhist teaching whose goal is to discover our original and natural state. The Only purpose of Dzogchen is knowledge of this foundation, and this knowledge is called Rigpa. Dzogchen is a combination of two terms, the first is Rdzogs, which means perfection or completion, and … Read more

Top 8 Mind-Bending Spiritual Movies to Ease Your Spiritual Journey

These spiritual movies can help you to understand the reality in better ways!- bigbraincoach

If you are walking on your spiritual path and looking for many answers, these spiritual movies can guide your soul in the right direction. These may help you to recognize and channelize your hidden Psychic Abilities. During my awakening, these movies helped and guided me in many ways. Before I share the list of movies, … Read more

Mystical Butterfly Meaning and Unknown Facts You Must Know

These butterfly meaning can blow your mind!

A butterfly is a deep and powerful symbol of life, happiness, and good luck that will follow you in the future. The butterfly meaning in different religions and spirituality is fascinating. Butterflies, the most beautiful creature on this planet, I am sure you will agree with me. The colors remind me of the rainbow in … Read more