7 Mystical Signs of God is Watching Over You – BigBrainCoach

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Have you ever experienced that some Invisible mystic power protecting you in a problematic situation or when you need Someone? In Other words, Angel or God is Watching Over You? Well, Believe me, or not, The Creator is always watching over and protecting you. There is no doubt that something or Someone is operating this … Read more

Soulmate Meditation | How to Find my Soulmate Through Meditation in 30 Days

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Are you tired of falling in love with the wrong one repeatedly Or someone who wants to attract perfect love for the first time? Well, Meditation is the only perfect way to attract what you desire. Therefore practicing Soulmate Meditation can be the best decision in attracting the right person for you. Yes, It’s genuine … Read more

9 Signs of Earth Angel Lightworker | How to Recognize An Angel in Human Form

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Do you believe that you might have some significant signs of being an Earth Angel Lightworker? You might have an explicit desire to become one and join the army desires to make this Planet a better place. Well, I am glad you are reading this article because my mission is to connect with as much … Read more

9 Indoor Plants For Spiritual Protection and Positive Energy

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Are you looking for Indoor Plants For Spiritual Protection? Well, I am going to share a few plants that have helped me miraculously. Plants, the source of Prana, have been used for mental and physical well being for ages. Our planet provides this essential need “Prana” for free of cost. While the number of lives … Read more

9 Stages of Meditation That Organically Awakens Psychic Abilities

If you are trying hard to develop your Meditation but failing to sit for 40 minutes, this article will help you succeed. In order to gain something from Meditation, one must travel through many Stages of Meditation. It’s not as smooth as people assume to sit and observe. I often encounter Spiritual groups merely collecting … Read more

9 Solid Reasons to Keep Your Circle Small and Your Mind at Peace

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How to Keep Your Circle Small | Reasons to Keep Your Circle Small | Why I Keep My Circle Small Having a few genuine friends is better than surrounded by people who need to be managed. Often It’s an unpleasant to lose those who were using a mask to hide their true identity but favorable … Read more

Signs of Psychic Attacks and Easy Ways to Protect Yourself – BigBrainCoach

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Are you tired of trying several protection methods but still facing psychic attacks? Looking for the answers for how to protect yourself from psychic attacks or how to block psychic attacks? Well, Being an empathetic person, I have suffered a lot from psychic attacks. Even after attaining Master-ship in Reiki, I was very much affected … Read more

9 Easiest and Most Effective Meditation for Psychic Abilities

Are you among those who aspire to develop their psychic ability or already possess one and desire to mature it? I am assuming an answer as a big “Yes.” The best way to fulfill your passion is by practicing guided Meditation for psychic abilities. First of all, Welcome to the community of mediums participating in … Read more